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Agenda item

Notices of Motion

(a)          The following Motion has been submitted in the name of Councillor Jeff Brooks:

We contend that there is considerable risk to pedestrians and motorists along the A4/Benham Hill section from the Lower Way Traffic lights to Henwick Lane in Thatcham.


It is extraordinary that this section along the A4 allows a 40 Mile Per Hour speed limit when the rest of the A4 through Thatcham is at 30 MPH. Recent installation of a Pedestrian refuge at the top of Pound Lane is welcome but did not prevent a serious incident involving a young girl in September when her foot was run over and broken by a speeding vehicle.


We believe that the speed limit in these two stretches of road is anomalous and we therefore propose that this section of the A4 is adapted to a 30 Mile Per Hour limit by West Berkshire Highways Department and with a high degree of urgency.


(b)          The following Motion has been submitted in the name of Councillor Richard Somner:

“Maintaining a Green District is one of this Council’s priorities for improvement.  It’s about natural habitats, it’s about biodiversity, it’s about our open spaces, it’s about the improving the environment we live and work in, it’s about our communities, it’s about our homes, our health, our wellbeing and more.


The Council recognises the freedoms for some that vehicle ownership brings, whilst it acknowledges that many older properties do not have designated off road parking.  It fully recognises vehicle drivers are often reliant upon street parking with little alternative option.  However, the practice of parking on pavements is becoming more widespread, and is a nuisance at best and a public danger at worst.   Parking is not the only cause of pavement obstruction.  It also arises from poorly placed advertising stands, protruding shop front displays and street clutter. 


This Council notes the Healthwatch Voice of Disability Report which raises concerns for the disabled in our community; this Council has a long been concerned that pavement obstruction can risk public health and is detrimental to public wellbeing.  The lack of easy navigability for wheel chair uses, those with sight conditions and limited mobility as well as for parents with pushchairs, can become trapped in their homes, leading to social isolation or a danger to pedestrians, particularly children in often having to step in to traffic to avoid obstructions.


While the government select committee is considering widening the ban on pavement parking outside London and until legislation in England comes in to force;


The Council calls on:


·         Parish Councils to champion an awareness campaign for considerate parking in their parishes.


·         Drivers to respect the rights of pedestrians to exercise their right to safe and unobstructed passage on footpaths and pavements. 


·         Drivers to park any vehicle, motorcycle or bike with the maximum consideration to pavement users and to avoid blocking lines of sight or the passage of emergency vehicles.


·         Drivers to limit their use of pavement parking where damage to curbs, street furniture and grass verges would occur.


·         Businesses to be considerate with Advertising Board placement and remove where the footpath is obstructed.


·         Residents to safely position curb clutter such as bins and recycling boxes, pushchairs and trollies.”



The Council considered the under-mentioned Motion (Agenda item 22a refers) submitted in the name of Councillor Jeff Brooks relating to pedestrian safety along the A4/ Benham Hill section from the Lower Way traffic lights to Henwick Lane in Thatcham.

The Chairman informed the Council that the Motion would not be debated at the meeting. In accordance with Procedure Rule 4.9.8. it would be referred to the Speed Limit Review Task Group for consideration and the response would be reported back to a future Council meeting.

MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Jeff Brooks and seconded by Councillor Keith Woodhams:

That the Council

contends that there is considerable risk to pedestrians and motorists along the A4/Benham Hill section from the Lower Way Traffic lights to Henwick Lane in Thatcham.


It is extraordinary that this section along the A4 allows a 40 Mile Per Hour speed limit when the rest of the A4 through Thatcham is at 30 MPH. Recent installation of a Pedestrian refuge at the top of Pound Lane is welcome but did not prevent a serious incident involving a young girl in September when her foot was run over and broken by a speeding vehicle.


We believe that the speed limit in these two stretches of road is anomalous and we therefore propose that this section of the A4 is adapted to a 30 Mile Per Hour limit by West Berkshire Highways Department and with a high degree of urgency.


Councillor Steve Masters re-joined the meeting at 9.11pm.


The Council considered the under-mentioned Motion (Agenda item 22b refers) submitted in the name of Councillor Richard Somner relating to widening the ban on pavement parking.

The Chairman informed the Council that the Motion would be debated at the meeting.

MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Richard Somner and seconded by Councillor Rick Jones:

“Maintaining a Green District is one of this Council’s priorities for improvement.  It’s about natural habitats, it’s about biodiversity, it’s about our open spaces, it’s about the improving the environment we live and work in, it’s about our communities, it’s about our homes, our health, our wellbeing and more.


The Council recognises the freedoms for some that vehicle ownership brings, whilst it acknowledges that many older properties do not have designated off road parking.  It fully recognises vehicle drivers are often reliant upon street parking with little alternative option.  However, the practice of parking on pavements is becoming more widespread, and is a nuisance at best and a public danger at worst.   Parking is not the only cause of pavement obstruction.  It also arises from poorly placed advertising stands, protruding shop front displays and street clutter. 


This Council notes the Healthwatch Voice of Disability Report which raises concerns for the disabled in our community; this Council has a long been concerned that pavement obstruction can risk public health and is detrimental to public wellbeing.  The lack of easy navigability for wheel chair uses, those with sight conditions and limited mobility as well as for parents with pushchairs, can become trapped in their homes, leading to social isolation or a danger to pedestrians, particularly children in often having to step in to traffic to avoid obstructions.


While the government select committee is considering widening the ban on pavement parking outside London and until legislation in England comes in to force;


The Council calls on:


·         Parish Councils to champion an awareness campaign for considerate parking in their parishes.


·         Drivers to respect the rights of pedestrians to exercise their right to safe and unobstructed passage on footpaths and pavements. 


·         Drivers to park any vehicle, motorcycle or bike with the maximum consideration to pavement users and to avoid blocking lines of sight or the passage of emergency vehicles.


·         Drivers to limit their use of pavement parking where damage to curbs, street furniture and grass verges would occur.


·         Businesses to be considerate with Advertising Board placement and remove where the footpath is obstructed.


·         Residents to safely position curb clutter such as bins and recycling boxes, pushchairs and trollies.”


The Motion was put to the vote and declared CARRIED.