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Agenda item

Actions arising from previous meetings


The Chairman drew the Schools’ Forum’s attention to the actions from the last meeting on 14th October 2019 Oct19-Ac3, Oct19-Ac4 and Jul19-Ac2 were completed or in hand.

Oct19-Ac1: Melanie Ellis confirmed that finance training was being set up by the School’s Team and would form part of the Governor Training, which would take place in January 2020.

(Post Minute comment from Schools’ Accountancy Team: As part of our Service Level Agreement we provide:

·         Up to two days on site support offered for all new Finance Officers (FOs)/ School Business Managers (SBMs) (additional days may be purchased).

·         On-site visit to a new Head Teacher. This is to explain the West Berkshire Council financial processes and procedures which are the responsibility of the Head Teacher. 

·         A half day visit is offered in either the summer or autumn term to review/discuss any developments in schools accountancy and ensure current work practices are robust and up to date.

·         Training on any new systems/procedures e.g. a half day training for every SBM/FO on the new budgeting system in autumn 2018. This is being replicated in January 2020 for anyone newly employed since the last training.

Adhoc chargeable training e.g.:

·         School Finance and the Role of the Governor – provided to school governors in conjunction with the Audit team.)

Oct19 – Ac2: Bruce Steiner reported that Jessica Bailiss had followed up the action. The ESFA's Good Practice Guidance did not specify a length of time for Term of Office. The Term of Office could therefore be extended to four years as suggested at the last meeting of the School’s Forum. If agreed, any new or re-elected members, from the 9th December 2019, would have a Term of Office of four years.

Jonathan Chishick proposed that the Term of Office be extended from three to four years and this was seconded by Catie Colston. At the vote the motion was carried.

Jan19-Ac1: Jessica Bailiss reported that there was still a Secondary Governor vacancy on the Forum. Effort would continue in the new year to fill the position.

RESOLVED that the Term of Office be extended from three to four years and the Constitution be update accordingly.


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