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Agenda item

DSG Monitoring 2019/20 Month 7 (Ian Pearson/Melanie Ellis)


Ian Pearson introduced the report (Agenda Item 15) which set out the forecasted financial position of the services funded by the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG), highlighting any overspends.

There was a deficit recovery requirement of £1.8m for 2019/20 and this represented the difference between the expenditure budgets set across the blocks and actual funding received for 2019/20. £1.6m of the deficit was within the High Needs Block and £0.2m was in the Early Years Block. This was in accordance with the 2019/20 budget agreed by the Schools’ Forum at its meeting on 11th March 2019. The month seven forecast position was shown under Table One on page 168 of the report.

Ian Pearson referred to a wider issue regarding the deficit in 2018/19. The deficit amount had fallen just below the threshold that required a deficit recovery plan to be submitted to the DfE. It was more likely that this would be required for 2019/20 and if this became a reality the Schools’ Forum would need to take a view on the issue.

Reverend Mark Bennet noted there were figures provided on the overall budget and forecasts however, there were no actual figures provided. Melanie Ellis reported that currently this was how the Local Authority conducted its budgeting and figures were not looked at on a monthly basis.

Jonathon Chishick queried what lobbying had taken place regarding the lack of funding for high needs. Ian Pearson reported that lobbying efforts had been extensive including with the local Member of Parliament and the Local Government Association.  Extra money had been received from the Government for high needs as a result of lobbying action that had taken place nationally however, the sums of funding were too small to solve the problems being faced long term. 

Brian Jenkins added that lobbying by the early years sector was also taking place.

Hilary Latimer noted that there were some local authorities across the country not facing a deficit in their high needs budget and queried what these authorities were doing differently. Ian Pearson stated that there were only a minority of local authorities not facing a deficit in their high needs budgets. West Berkshire was in a better position than many other local authorities which were facing a deficit.

Jacquie Davies queried what would happen next for the local authorities facing a deficit. Ian Pearson stated that some local authorities were submitting deficit recovery plans and others had refused. It was not possible to form a credible plan until it was known what funding was available the following year. Catie Coltson stated that the issues being faced were continuously being repeated and cautioned against creating a magic trick to fix the situation. It was important to be truthful about the real issues being faced. 

Reverend Mark Bennet referred to the deficit being faced and queried when it would become a practical issue that would mean that bills could no longer be paid. He queried when this point would be reached. Ian Pearson stated that the DSG was owned by colleagues at the DfE and therefore an answer would be needed from them on this question.

RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum noted the report. 

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