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Agenda item

Schools Funding Formula Proposal 2021/22 (Melanie Ellis)


Melanie Ellis stated that the main report was brief and the full detail could be found in the consultation document under Appendix A, which would go out to all schools for consultation. The Government was still planning to move to a hard funding formula and when this happened the Government would set the school funding rates rather than the Local Authority.

There were two technical changes for 2021/22. The formula funding would now include the Teachers Pay Grant and Pension Employer Contribution Grant, so these would not be received separately.

Melanie Ellis reported that there had been a 4% increase in funding overall and the main change involved sparsity funding. Sparsity funding had increased from £26k to £45k for primary schools. Local Authorities would continue to be able to transfer up to 0.5% of their schools block to other blocks of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG), with approval from the Schools’ Forum.

The option to lower the amount of sparsity funding received by eligible schools and allocate the remaining funding across all primary schools had been included as a question within the consultation document. In December 2020, decisions would be required from the Schools’ Forum regarding how any shortfalls or surpluses should be dealt with.

The consultation also included a question regarding the de-delegation of particular services. All the consultation proposals could be viewed on page 23 of Appendix A.

Jonathan Chishick stated that he had raised a question earlier in December 2019 regarding certain schools having to deal with a disproportionate number of children with Special Education Needs that did not have an Education, Health and Care Plan. He had asked whether this issue could be factored into the funding formula going forward. Ian Pearson reported that this matter had been discussed at the last Heads Funding Group (HFG) and a report had been provided by Jane Seymour. It had been given serious consideration however, decided by the group that it would place further pressure on the High Needs Block (HNB). Jonathan Chishick was satisfied that the issue had been discussed and asked for a copy of the report that had gone to the HFG.

Gemma Piper referred to the transfer of funds to the HNB and queried if there was any additional information yet regarding how this money would be used. Ian Pearson reported that if a transfer was agreed it could be used to either cover some of the deficit or alternately it could be used for invest to save projects. If a transfer was agreed, the amount that could be transferred would also need to be decided. Gemma Piper queried if the consultation was asking if schools were happy to consider a transfer or if they were happy to commit to a transfer amount of 0.5%.  Ian Pearson confirmed that at this stage schools were being asked more broadly if they supported the notion of a transfer. Further detail and options would then be brought to the next HFG in November 2020.

David Ramsden explained that in 2019 it had been felt that a transfer of 0.5% had been too much. He would support a continuation of a 0.25% transfer as had been agreed in 2019. It was felt that different options should be included as part of the consultation. Melanie Ellis confirmed that this could be included.

The Chairman invited the relevant members of the Forum to consider the proposal under section 2.1 of the report. This was proposed by David Ramsden, seconded by Jonathan Chishick and at the vote the motion was carried.


·         Different A copy of the report that went to the Heads’ Funding Group regarding schools under pressure due to high numbers of children with SEN, be sent to Jonathan Chishick.

·         Funding transfer options from the schools block, to be included within the consultation with schools.

·         All school members of the Schools’ Forum including the PVI representative agreed the recommendation under section 2.1 of the report, that the consultation be undertaken with all schools before setting the school funding formula for 2021/22.

Supporting documents: