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Agenda item

Actions arising from previous meetings


The Chairman drew the Schools’ Forum’s attention to the actions for the last meeting on 15th June 2020. All actions were completed or were in hand apart from action Jun20-Ac1 and he asked Melanie Ellis to provide a report on this action.

Jun20-Ac1 – Melanie Ellis to provide an update on what the capital funding provided to schools in February 2020 should have been used for: In the 2018 budget, the government announced an extra £400 million of capital funding for schools in England for 2018/19.  West Berkshire was allocated £655k, allocated across each eligible institution as a lump sum of £3,000 and a variable amount based on a per-pupil amount of £32.10, weighted by the phase of the pupil. The funding was received in February 2019, which had not left a lot of time to spend the allocation before the end of the year. Melanie Ellis explained that there was a lot of detailed guidance, which would be emailed to members of the Schools’ Forum. 

RESOLVED that Melanie Ellis would email further detailed guidance regarding how capital funding had been used by schools to members of the Forum.


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