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Agenda item

Application No. and Parish: 20/01327/ADV, 11 - 13 Market Place, Newbury


Installation of associated signage comprising 1no. externally illuminated fascia sign and 1no. externally illuminated projecting sign.



11 - 13 Market Place, Newbury RG14 5AA.



Cashino Gaming Ltd.



To DELEGATE to the Head of Development & Planning to GRANT ADVERTISEMENT CONSENT subject to Conditions.



(Councillors Phil Barnett, Tony Vickers and Andy Moore declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 4(2) by virtue of the fact that they were members of Newbury Town Council and its Planning and Highways Committee where this application had already been discussed. As their interests were personal and not prejudicial, or a disclosable pecuniary interest, they determined to remain to take part in the debate and vote on the matter.)

1.         The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 4(2)) concerning Planning Application 20/01327/ADV in respect of 11 - 13 Market Place, Newbury. The applicant sought permission for the installation of associated signage comprising 1no. externally illuminated fascia sign and 1no. externally illuminated projecting sign.

2.         Mr David Pearson, Team Leader – Development Control, introduced the report to Members, which took account of all the relevant policy considerations and other material planning considerations. In conclusion,  the report detailed that the proposal was acceptable in planning terms and officers recommended to approve the application subject to the conditions outlined in the report and update sheet.

Removal of Speaking Rights

3.         As resolved at the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 29 April 2020, public speaking rights were removed for virtual Council meetings. This right was replaced with the ability to make written submissions. This decision was made in accordance with The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panels Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020.

4.         The above changes to speaking rights were subsequently amended at the Council meeting on 10 September 2020. It was agreed that parties making written submissions in relation to a planning application would be invited to attend the Remote Meeting of the Planning Committee to answer any questions that Members of the Committee might wish to ask in order to seek clarification on any part of their statement.

5.         In accordance with the Extraordinary Council resolution, written submissions relating to this application were received from Mr Barney Ray, Agent, who was not available to attend the remote meeting this evening.

6.         Individual written submissions were published online along with the agenda:

Agent’s Submission 

7.         The Clerk read out the representation

Ward Member Representation

8.         Councillor Clive Hooker confirmed that the ward member had indicated that they did not wish to speak on this application.

Member’s Questions to Officers

9.         Councillor Howard Woollaston asked if the sign was front-lit rather than back-lit.

10.      Mr Pearson confirmed that that there were down-lights on the top of the projecting sign, but it appeared that the fascia sign would be internally illuminated.


11.      Councillor Andy Moore proposed to approve the application as per the Officer’s recommendation. Councillor Cole seconded the proposal.

12.      Councillor Woollaston indicated that he was not happy for the facia sign to be back-illuminated and he did not want to see a bright sign in the Market Place.

13.      Councillor Clive Hooker asked Mr Pearson what conditions could be imposed to respond to Councillor Woollaston’s concerns.

14.      Mr Pearson considered the proposed sign to be similar to those on other premises in the area. He suggested that a condition could be imposed for the development not to commence until further details had been submitted for the lighting of the facia sign.

15.      Councillor Dennis Benneyworth noted that Councillor Moore was very familiar with the Market Place and asked if he was aware of any other backlit signage.

16.      Councillor Moore was not sure, but suggested that One-Stop might have a back-lit sign. He indicated that there was a relevant photograph in the agenda pack.

17.      Councillor Hooker asked if the proposed main advert over the top of the door would be illuminated. Mr Pearson confirmed that this and the projecting sign would be externally illuminated.

18.      Councillor Vickers indicated that he did not feel strongly about the back-lit sign, but suggested that the lights could be turned off when the premises were closed. He considered that the main damage to the conservation area was from large signs, and the lighting did not bother him.

19.      Councillor Moore did not have any concerns, but suggested that further information could be sought from the applicant.

20.      Councillor Hilary Cole confirmed that she had no issue with the back-lighting and suggested that this was commonplace on any High Street. She did not consider that there was anything particularly redeeming about the Market Place that would make the sign inappropriate.

21.      Councillor Hooker asked if Members were happy for the application to be approved with no conditions.

22.      Councillor Woollaston indicated that he was not.

23.      Sharon Armour confirmed that if Councillors Moore and Cole who proposed and seconded the motion to approve the development without conditions were happy to proceed, then a vote should be held on that basis.

24.      Councillor Woollaston reiterated his strong feelings that back-lit signs in conservation areas were inappropriate.

25.      Councillor Cole noted that the sign on the museum, which was a listed building, was back-lit.

26.      Councillor Woollaston indicated that he felt this was wrong, but was prepared to go with the majority. 

27.      The Chairman invited Members of the Committee to vote on the proposal by Councillor Moore and seconded by Councillor Cole to accept Officer’s recommendation and grant planning permission for the reasons listed in the main report. At the vote, the motion was carried with seven votes in favour and two against.

RESOLVED that the Head of Development & Planning be authorised to permit advertisement consent application subject to the conditions listed below:

Standard Advertisement Consent Conditions

1.         Any advertisements displayed, and any site for the display of advertisements, shall be maintained in a clean and tidy condition to the reasonable satisfaction of the local planning authority.

2.         Any structure or hoarding erected or used principally for the purpose of displaying advertisements shall be maintained in a safe condition.

3.         Where an advertisement is required under these Regulations to be removed, the removal shall be carried out to the reasonable satisfaction of the local planning authority.

4.         No advertisement is to be displayed without the permission of the owner of the site or any other person with an interest in the site entitled to grant permission.

5.         No advertisement shall be sited or displayed so as to secure, or hinder the ready interpretation of, any road traffic sign, railway signal or aid to navigation by water or air, or so as to render hazardous the use of any highway, railway, waterway or aerodrome (civil or military).

Additional Conditions

1.         Approved Documents

The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in all respects in accordance with the following plans/drawings:

·         Drawing Ref. MP/NEW/01 Existing Floor Plans and Shopfront Elevation (Rev. A) dated 12 June 2020

·         Drawing Ref. MP/NEW/04 Proposed Fascia Sign and Projecting Sign Details (Rev. D) dated 30 September 2020

·         Drawing Ref. MP/NEW/06a Block Plan dated 12 June 2020

Reason: To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the submitted details and to enable the Local Planning Authority to control the development and monitor the site to ensure compliance with the planning permission.

2.         Materials as specified

The materials to be used in the development hereby permitted shall be as specified on the plans and/or the application forms.

Reason: To ensure that the external materials are visually attractive and respond to local character. This condition is imposed in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2019, Policy CS14 of the West Berkshire Core Strategy (2006-2026), Supplementary Planning Document Quality Design (June 2006) and Supplementary Planning Guidance 04/2 House Extensions (July 2004).


1.      In determining this application the Local Planning Authority has worked positively and proactively with the applicant by: scoping of the application and assessing the proposals against relevant Development Plan policies and the National Planning Policy Framework including its associated planning practice guidance and European Regulations. Further, the Local Planning Authority has: identified all material considerations and determined the application within the timeframe agreed with the applicant. This approach has been in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 38 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019.

2.      For further information regarding the discharge of the conditions or any other matters relating to the decision, please contact the Customer Call Centre on: 01635 519111.

Supporting documents: