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Agenda item

COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard

To present the COVID-19 recovery dashboard developed by the Shared Public Health Team.


April Peberdy gave a presentation on the Covid-19 Recovery Dashboard (Agenda Item 10). The key points from the presentation were as follows:

·         The dashboard was being developed to measure the health and wellbeing impacts of Covid-19 across the life course.

·         It would build on work already carried out to identify who was most at risk at a particular life stage.

·         It would feature each identified life stage and the relevant data available to monitor the impact of Covid.

·         Data would look at the position prior to, during and post-Covid.

·         Around 78 data sets had been identified at national and local levels.

·         The idea had been discussed with the Berkshire Public Health Data Team and it was felt that the dashboard would be useful for all the Berkshire local authorities.

·         Phases 1 and 2 involved uploading and entering national and local data sets.

·         It would provide comparative data at national, regional and Berkshire levels.

·         It would identify trends over time, monitor progress and highlight where action was needed.

·         It would identify health inequalities.

·         It would help to drive a recovery action plan.

·         It would measure the impacts of actions.

·         When completed, the dashboard would be made available on the Berkshire Public Health website:

·         It was hoped to be available from the end of July / early August.

·         The dashboard would be regularly updated and added to.

·         The intention was to add information around the data over time to facilitate understanding.

The Chairman noted that the Berkshire Public Health website and Covid dashboard provided a useful source of information. He congratulated the Public Health Team and noted that West Berkshire was leading on this, with the life course infographic shared nationally.

Katie Summers welcomed the dashboard. She indicated that some data sets were reported yearly or six-monthly and asked if data could be provided more frequently (e.g. in relation to healthcare provider services).

April Peberdy indicated that she would welcome a discussion on data, and stressed the need for the dashboard to be live, timely and as useful as possible. Action: April Peberdy and Katie Summers to discuss data availability.

Councillor Martha Vickers asked if town / parish councils could be made aware of the dashboard to ensure they were aware of what was happening in their communities.

The Chairman noted that a lot of work was being done on Community Engagement, and information flow on this and other subjects was being discussed.

April Peberdy confirmed that there would be communications on the dashboard once it went live. She indicated that it would be accessible to all on the Berkshire Public Health website.

Dr Abid Irfan suggested there would be crossover between data sets used for the Covid Recovery Dashboard and those used to monitor the implementation of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

April Peberdy agreed and noted that they would also help with monitoring the Recovery and Renewal Strategy.

Councillor Lynne Doherty noted that people had got used to the Covid dashboard and congratulated the Public Health Team for putting it together. She asked how data could be used to prioritise actions from the Delivery Plan.

April Peberdy agreed that evidence should drive actions and the dashboard would help this process, with data available in one place.

Matt Pearce noted that this would bring the infographic to life. He agreed that some data sets took a long time to come through and suggested that population health management data sets could be used to provide real-time information. He agreed that data should inform priorities, which may change over time. He also stressed the need to retain the community voice to complement the data to get a full picture of strengths and deficits.

Resolved that: the presentation be noted.

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