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Agenda item

Social Value Policy (EX4153)

Purpose: To seek approval from the Executive to adopt the West Berkshire Social Value Policy which would formalise the approach to implementing Social Value in the District in line with the 2012 Public Services (Social Value) Act.


Resolved that:


·         The West Berkshire Council Social Value Policy be adopted.

·         Delegated authority would be granted to the Executive Director Resources to agree any minor changes to the adopted Social Value Policy.


This decision is eligible to be ‘called-in’.  However, if the decision has not been ‘called-in’ by 5.00pm on 26 November 2021, then it will be implemented.


Councillor Ross Mackinnon presented the report (Agenda item 8) which sought approval for the adoption of the West Berkshire Social Value Policy which formalises the approach to implementing Social Value in the District in line with the 2012 Public Services (Social Value) Act.

Councillor Mackinnon explained how the new policy seeks to secure social, environmental and economic benefits to the District at the pre-procurement stage of the awarding of all public services contracts by West Berkshire Council. Councillor Mackinnon referred to the relatively new government procurement policy statement that requires public bodies to consider social value issues, and the Council has defined its own to include: focussing on creating jobs for young people; apprenticeships; using local suppliers in the supply chain, and; encouraging smaller suppliers. Councillor Mackinnon also highlighted that the proposal is to introduce a weighting of up to 10% in the scoring of bids under the tendering process for these social value aspects, with exceptional cases potentially going above that level. Councillor Mackinnon finished by paying tribute to work of the Task and Finish Group.

Councillor Lee Dillon noted that social values and sustainability are typically standard considerations within procurement now, and that the proposed scoring mechanism followed a well-defined procurement template and style. Councillor Dillon then queried the membership of the Task and Finish Group, and requested an example of potential circumstances where using a social value score would not be appropriate. Councillor Mackinnon responded by confirming that the membership was as set out in the report in the ‘consultation and engagement’ section, and that as this is intended for wide usage he could not think of a situation in which social value would not be considered.


Councillor Alan Macro queried whether the sample questions set out in the report could be expanded to include matters such as carbon emissions and recycling. Councillor Mackinnon responded to confirm that the sample questions were not an exhaustive list of all the questions asked, and his certainty that these matters are considered.


Councillor Jeff Brooks highlighted that the Task and Finish Group did not have a Liberal Democrat member, and suggested that the tender process could also include a request for potential suppliers to demonstrate financially how they will invest locally. Councillor Mackinnon responded that he didn’t see an issue with this in principle, and acknowledged that contributions can also be more than financial as well. On the composition of the Task and Finish Group, Councillor Mackinnon noted that the Liberal Democrats were approached to nominate a member.


Councillor Woollaston noted that the report was uncontroversial and had cross-party support.



a)    The adoption of the West Berkshire Council Social Value Policy be approved.

b)    Delegated authority be granted to the Executive Director - Resources to agree minor changes to the adopted Social Value Policy.

Other options considered: Do nothing. This is not an option. Consideration of social value in procurements over the Find a Tender (FTS – formerly OJEU) levels is now mandatory. Public authorities are recommended to consider Social Value in all procurements where it is possible to do so. The Council does already take account of Social Value principles in procurement and contract management; this policy sets out a formal framework by which Social Value should be implemented in all future procurements.

Supporting documents: