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Agenda item

Final DSG Funding Settlement Overview 2023/24 (Melanie Ellis)


Melanie Ellis introduced the report (Agenda Item 10) that set out the confirmed Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) allocation for 2023-24. The allocations had been updated based on the October 2022 census pupil numbers and were detailed within the charts and tables contained within the report.

Melanie Ellis referred to the Schools’ Block and reported that in addition to the DSG, mainstream schools would receive another grant of £4.3m. The individual school allocations for this funding would be published in the spring with funding received from April 2023.

Regarding the High Needs Block, there would be an additional £1.1m of funding. This would be provided as a top up to the DSG.

The Central Schools Services Block had been covered in a previous report. Melanie Ellis reported that the funding for this block had reduced from the previous year however, it had been possible to balance the block.

Catie Colston referred to the additional grant for the Schools’ Block of £4.3m and asked if any of this was ring-fenced or of any conditions were attached to the funding. Melanie Ellis reported that she was not aware of any conditions attached to the funding however, it was likely this information would be provided at the same time as the allocations. Melanie Ellis would check and report back to the next Forum meeting.

Gemma Piper referred to the pay increase that had happened in the summer after the return of budgets. Gemma Piper believed that most local authority schools budgeted on the 2.5 percent and she queried if a larger assumption needed to be applied given the changing nature of finances and staff pay. Melanie Ellis reported that the Schools Accountancy Team would shortly be sending information to schools regarding next year’s assumptions and Gemma Piper’s point would be built into the email sent out. 


  • Melanie Ellis would check if the additional grant for the Schools’ Block was ring-fenced or if any conditions were attached to the funding.
  • The Schools’ Forum noted the report.  

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