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Agenda item

Scheme for Financing Schools Consultation 2022/23 (Melanie Ellis)


Melanie Ellis introduced the report (Agenda Item 8), which sought approval of the proposed consultation on the updated Scheme for Financing Schools. The changes from the last version of the Scheme were highlighted under Appendix B. If there were no changes proposed following the consultation, it was proposed that the updated scheme should be adopted at the next Schools’ Forum. 

Paul Davey referred to the front cover of the report and noted that there was no box ticked to indicate if the matter needed to be referred to the Council or the Executive for final determination. It was confirmed that it did not needed to be referred to Council or the Executive.

It was proposed and seconded that the updated Scheme for Financing Schools should be included in the consultation with all schools. The Chair invited the Schools’ Forum to vote and at the vote the motion was carried.

RESOLVED that the updated Scheme for Financing schools would go out to consultation from three weeks from 19th October until 9th November 2022.  

Supporting documents: