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Agenda item

High Needs Block Budget Proposals 2024/25 (Jane Seymour) - Verbal Update


Jane Seymour introduced the item (Agenda Item 11) and provided a verbal update on the High Needs Block (HNB) Budget proposals for 2024/25. Jane Seymour reported that as with previous years they had been looking at the HNB and the likely position at the end of the financial year and for the new financial year.

Jane Seymour reported that in December 2022 it had been predicted that by the end of 2023/24 there would be a £9m overspend, which included the deficit budget set for the current year plus previous years rolled forward. This prediction was still looking to be accurate.

Jane Seymour reported that because the impact from the Delivering Better Value Programme (DBVP) was not yet known, it was not possible to provide an accurate position for 2024/25 in terms of the in-year spend. The reason for this was also because the timeline for the DBVP had not aligned well. Potential savings would need to be calculated based on the impact of the DBVP. Jane Seymour reported that although they were not currently able to provide a position for 2024/25 this was what they were currently working on.

RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum noted the update and that more detail would be brought to the next meeting.


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