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Agenda item

Growth Fund 2023/24 (Melanie Ellis)


(Lindsay Wood left the meeting)

Melanie Ellis introduced the report (Agenda Item 10), which aimed to inform the Schools’ Forum of payments recommended to be made to schools from the Growth Fund budget in 2023/24. It was noted that one payment was recommended to Trinity School for £105.3k. 

Melanie Ellis reported that following the release of the October 2023 census data, applications were invited from schools who felt they might qualify for growth funding. Melanie Ellis reported that only one application had been received, from Trinity School, and as detailed in the report, it had been assessed that the school met the requirements of the fund and it was therefore recommended that the payment should be agreed by the Forum.

Trevor Keable queried what the criteria was for the funding as he noted it was not detailed within the report. Melanie Ellis confirmed that the criteria was quite detailed and had been subject to a previous report, where the criteria for 2024/25 was agreed. Melanie Ellis commented that she would send a copy of the criteria to Trevor Keable.

It was proposed and seconded that the payment to Trinity School should be agreed as set out in the recommendation in section 2.1 of the report. The Chair invited the Forum to vote on the proposal and at the vote the recommendation was approved.


  • Melanie Ellis would forward a copy of the Growth Funding Criteria to Trevor Keable following the meeting.
  • The Schools’ Forum approved the payment of £105.3k to Trinity School from the Growth Fund.

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