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Agenda item

Declarations of Interest


Due to the nature of the meeting the Chair explained the procedure in terms of Declarations of Interest in line with paragraph 3.7 of the Schools’ Forum Constitution.

Jacquie Davies declared that she had an interest in agenda item two due to her school having a surplus balance for 2022/2023. As her interest was a prejudicial and pecuniary interest Jacquie Davies would leave the meeting for the duration of the item and not take part in the vote. Jacquie Davies also declared a further personal interest in the item as the was a Governor at the Downs Foundation, which was one of the other schools with a significant surplus.

Jon Hewitt reported that he had been advised that he had a prejudicial interest in item two due to being from a school with a significant surplus balance. He stated that he was not happy with the advice provided however would leave the meeting for the duration of the item and not take part in the vote in line with the Constitution. Jon Hewitt reported that he was concerned that as a result of his interest there would not be a special school representative present for the meeting.

Chris Prosser reported that he had also been advised that he had a prejudicial interest in agenda item two due to being from a school with a significant surplus. Chris Prosser concurred with Jon Hewitt and was not happy with the advice as it was felt that the matter involved all schools and could involve all schools into the future. Chris Prosser stated he would accept the legal advice and leave the meeting for the duration of the item and would not take part in the vote.