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Issue - decisions


22/03/2013 - Zebra Crossing on Bridge Street, Hungerford - Petition

Individual Decision No:


Portfolio Member:

Councillor Keith Chopping, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Highways, Transport, Property


Resolved that:


As a facility cannot be located near the war memorial and the pedestrian crossing criteria is not met for any location in Bridge Street, the introduction of a crossing facility cannot be approved.


No other measures are to be investigated given the concern previously expressed by the Town Council about the loss of any on street parking on Bridge Street with the exception of a request from the Portfolio Holder that the possibility be looked into of a build out or a refuge, produce design schemes and discuss with Ward Members and Town Council.


The petition organiser be informed of the decision. 


This decision is eligible to be ‘called-in’.  However, if the decision has not been ‘called-in’ by 5.00pm on 28 March 2013, then it will be implemented.