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Issue - decisions

Council Performance Report 2016/17: Q2 (Key Accountable Measures and Activities) (EX3110)

23/12/2016 - Council Performance Report 2016/17: Q2 (Key Accountable Measures and Activities) (EX3110)

Resolved that:

·         Progress against the Council Strategy Priorities for improvement and acknowledge the key achievements in all service areas be noted.

·         Those areas reporting as ‘amber’ or ‘red’ were reviewed to ensure that appropriate action is in place.

·         Targets for the following measures were amended:

            (i) Milestone - Market Street Redevelopment: Submit detailed planning       application to WBC Planning Committee

REQUEST: To redefine the target as November 2016 (currently September           2016)  as the planning application will be submitted, albeit slightly behind schedule, following additional work by Highways Officers to deliver an improved scheme.


(ii) Subject to examination, adopt the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) by December 2016:

REQUEST: To redefine the target as June 2017 (currently December 2016). Following the oral hearings the planning inspector has asked for main modifications which require further public consultation, therefore there is insufficient time to be able to complete the adoption by December 2016.


This decision is not subject to call in as:


·      Report is to note only


therefore it will be implemented immediately.