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Issue - decisions


28/07/2017 - Key Accountable Performance 2016/17: Quarter Four (EX3112)

Resolved that:

(1)       Progress against the Key Accountable Measures and the key achievements in all services be noted;

(2)       Those areas reported as ‘red’ be reviewed to ensure that appropriate action was in place. In particular to consider and refer for further analysis at the Overview and Scrutiny Management Commission (OSMC) the results and improvement actions for:

(a)  The percentages of Council Tax and Business Rates collection;

(b)  The timeliness of reviews for the long term adult social care clients and the ‘front door’ pressures for the Adult Social Care service.

(3)       The actions and progress made to reduce the delayed transfer of care from hospital (DTOC) be noted and a decision to be made as to whether this should be scrutinised again by OSMC;

(4)       To task OSMC to assess if additional solutions could be adopted to improve housing affordability in the District.


This decision is eligible to be ‘called-in’.  However, if the decision has not been ‘called-in’ by 5.00pm on 3rd August 2017, then it will be implemented.