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Issue - decisions


07/09/2018 - Key Accountable Performance 2018/19: Quarter One (EX3420)

Resolved that:


·         Progress against the Key Accountable Measures (KAMs) and key achievements in all services be noted.

·         Those areas reported as ‘amber’ and ‘red’ had been reviewed to ensure that appropriate actions are in place:



1)        (LRIER) London Road Industrial Estate redevelopment 2018/19 milestone: Create and gain approval for the business plan.

2)        Average number of days taken to make a full decision on new Benefits claims.

3)        % of clients with Long Term Service (LTS) receiving a review in the past 12 months.

4)        % of ‘major’ planning applications determined within 13 weeks or the agreed extended time.

5)        % of ‘minor’ planning applications determined within 8 weeks or the agreed extended time.

6)        % of ‘other’ planning applications determined within 8 weeks or the agreed extended time.



1)        % of WBC provider services inspected by Care Quality Commission (CQC) that are rated good or better by CQC in the area of “safe”.


·         It be noted and approved that the target for “Delayed Transfers of Care” would be set nationally during Quarter Two.

·         The KPI “% of high priority Disabled Facilities Grants approved within 9 weeks of receipt of full grant applications” be removed and a more meaningful alternative investigated.

·         The number of people aged 16-24 and 16-64 who claim Claimant Count would be reported as a measure of volume, instead of those just claiming Jobseekers Allowance to reflect the move towards Universal Credit.


This decision is eligible to be ‘called-in’.  However, if the decision has not been ‘called-in’ by 5.00pm on 13 September 2018, then it will be implemented.