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Issue - decisions


13/12/2018 - Speed Limit Review - October 2018

Individual Decision No:


Portfolio Member:

Councillor Jeanette Clifford, Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport, Environment and Countryside


Resolved that the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport, Environment and Countryside approves the Task Group recommendations set out in the ID report and as follows:


That the following are progressed to the statutory advertisements and consultation stage:


3: B4000 Wickham Village, Welford – request for a 30mph speed limit was rejected.  The panel believe drivers are driving to the environment and reducing it would make the speed limit artificially low which would result in large scale non-compliance.  It was recommended that the Council look at improving pedestrian facilities at the crossroads.  The Parish Council also informed the panel that they were considering purchasing a VAS for south bound traffic.  It was agreed that the current speed limit to the north west of the village is brought in closer to the village to increase its effect.


4: Welford Village – The request to introduce a 30mph limit through the village was agreed. It was also agreed to extend the current 40mph limit on Rood Hill.


7: Oxford Road, Chieveley.  A request for a 50mph speed limit was approved.


That the:


1: A343 Andover Road, Newbury 20mph – request for a 20mph speed limit be rejected on the grounds that current speeds were too high for a 20mph to be introduced without installing traffic calming.  When school time speed data was looked at in isolation mean speeds fell to 20mph.  It was requested that the 30mph terminal signs to the south are improved.


2: A343 Andover Road, Newbury 30mph – request to reduce the speed limit to 30mph be rejected.  The panel said this was a high quality road with good visibility and pedestrian facilities.  Drivers are driving to the environment and reducing it would be make the speed limit artificially low which would result in non-compliance.


5: Eastbury, Lambourn – request for the 20mph zone in the village was rejected.  Current mean speed in one direction is too high for a 20 mph zone to be introduced without traffic calming measures.  It was agreed that a scheme to improve markings and investigate ways of slowing drivers down would be put forward for Member approval on the Traffic Management & Road Safety works programme for 2019/20.


6: Reading Road, Aldermaston/Burghfield – speed limit request be rejected.  A 40mph speed limit would be out of character to the environment and current speeds would indicate there would be an issue with non-compliance.


This decision is eligible to be ‘called-in’.  However, if the decision has not been ‘called-in’ by 5.00pm on 20 December 2018, then it will be implemented.