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Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Notices of Motion'

  • Councillor Billy Drummond - Pecuniary - Agenda Item 22 Notices of Motion (Motion (g) West Berkshire Council Pensions Divestment from Fossil Fuels refers) due to being in receipt of a Royal County of Berkshire Pension.
  • Councillor Graham Bridgman - Pecuniary - Agenda Item 22 Notices of Motion (Motion (g) West Berkshire Council Pensions Divestment from Fossil Fuels refers) due to his wife being in receipt of a Berkshire pension.
  • Councillor Jeff Brooks - Pecuniary - Agenda Item 22 Notices of Motion (Motion (g) West Berkshire Council Pensions Divestment from Fossil Fuels refers) due to being in receipt of a Royal County of Berkshire Pension.
  • Councillor Owen Jeffery - Pecuniary - Agenda Item 22 Notices of Motion (Motion (g) West Berkshire Council Pensions Divestment from Fossil Fuels refers) due to being in receipt of a Royal County of Berkshire Pension.
  • Councillor Tony Linden - Pecuniary - Agenda Item 22 Notices of Motion (Motion (g) West Berkshire Council Pensions Divestment from Fossil Fuels refers) due to having had a councillors pension policy but not currently being in receipt of it.
  • Councillor Tony Vickers - Pecuniary - Agenda Item 22 Notices of Motion (Motion (g) West Berkshire Council Pensions Divestment from Fossil Fuels refers) due to being in receipt of a Royal County of Berkshire Pension.