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Issue - meetings

Revised Terms of Reference of the Integrated Care Steering Group (Jan Evans)

Meeting: 25/04/2013 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 7)

7 Revised Terms of Reference of the Integrated Care Steering Group (Jan Evans) pdf icon PDF 66 KB

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Jan Evans explained that the group had originally been set up as a task and finish group to look into the high levels of Delayed Transfer of Care in the District. The task group had been tasked with finding potential solutions despite demand increasing and their being fewer resources available. The group had identified a few key issues and had helped to significantly reduce the levels across all the hospitals. However it was also recognised that it was important to continue to progress integrated working (between the NHS, the local authority and other parties) in both commissioning and service provision to improve outcomes for the authorities and also the users.


The report therefore sought permission to continue to take the agenda forward to engender closer working in the future. The document therefore set out proposed terms of reference for the West Berkshire Locality Integrated Care Steering group which the Board was asked to approve.


Councillor Graham Jones noted the importance to understand cause and effect and therefore supported the need for continuing to adopt an integrated approach to this area of work in order to develop shared pathways.



1.      the terms of reference be agreed;

2.      the Steering Group to report back to the Health and wellbeing Board every second meeting.