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Question submitted by (name) to (portfolio holder)

Meeting: 27/03/2014 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 85)

Question submitted by Mrs Pearl Baker to the Health and Wellbeing Board

“1.   How do the HWBB propose to implement the DOH ‘closing the Gap’ priorities for essential change in mental health including physical and mental health, so that more people have a positive experience of their care and support?

2. How do the HWBB propose to implement Mental Health Independent Advocacy as described in The Care Bill, particularly for those subject to a COP Order? This is to inform the patient of their rights to NHS choices of care and support, including a personal Budget, and ongoing support.

3. What monitoring process will be put in place to ensure the above?

4. Will the Board address the discharging of patients subject to Section 117 while still receiving care and treatment? Refer to the Care Bill Subsection 5.

5.  Will the HWBB re-instate those patients discharged from section 117 still receiving care and treatment? Ref: The Local Government Ombudsman Report on Section 117 Discharge.

6. Will the HWBB look into why section 117 patients placed in ‘specific’ accommodation by the LA for their mental health needs, with a care and support package are being charged for this accommodation?

7. Will the Board address the GPs role into an integrated system of care?

8. Will the HWBB set up an email alert system on a number of Priority Topics, which would include mental health.  This could also be advertised via the Monitor in GP Surgeries? I am a recipient of NHS England’s Bulletins and other Parliamentary Committees Enquires and Meetings, one would have to originally subscribe by a ‘password.”


A question standing in the name of Mrs Pearl Baker on the subject of how the Health and Wellbeing Board proposed to implement the Department of Health’s "Closing the Gap" priorities for essential change in mental health including physical and mental health, was answered by the Vice Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board.

A supplementary question on the subject of whether General Practitioners could be more proactive regarding the physical health of those with mental health issues was answered by the Vice Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board.