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Issue - meetings


Meeting: 28/11/2013 - Individual Executive Member Decisions (Item 1)

1 Parking Review Amendment 15: On-Street Charging (Newbury) pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Councillor Pamela Bale

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Individual Decision No:


Portfolio Member:

Councillor Pamela Bale, Portfolio Holder for Highways, Transport (Operations), Emergency Planning, Newbury Vision


Resolved that:


·        The proposed on-street charging in Newbury be approved and introduced as advertised with effect from the start of the 2014/15 financial year.

·        The parking scheme be monitored so that any parking displacement can be addressed as part of a future review.

·        The respondents to the statutory consultation be informed accordingly.


This decision has been ‘called-in’ by the requisite number of Members for the reasons set out below:

“1.   The views of local residents, shoppers and traders have been ignored (see the 1,719 signature petition, and responses from the Newbury BID, Newbury Town Council and those of dozens of local residents, shoppers, and business people).


2.    This does nothing to support the economy of Newbury, and will dissuade shoppers from coming into the town.


3.    This will cause a displacement of car parking into residential areas


4.    The reasons for introducing the charge have been changed during the course of the    consultation; - during and after the informal consultation the Council stated that it intended to generate revenue income as part of the overall cost savings review. The Council has now backtracked from this and said all the money generated by on street parking charges will be used for road safety and car parking.  This seems disingenuous when the council simultaneously plans to cut the road safety budget by £96,000 and plans to increase car parking charges on Sundays.  If the income from on-street parking was intended to enhance the funding in these areas, then why are the services being cut?


5.    Despite the overwhelming majority of respondents to both consultations being against the proposals, the Council has actually increased the number of ‘paid for’ on street parking bays – in some streets by over 50%.  Twenty three bays were removed from the charging structure, but fifty seven new ones were added after the first consultation process.  What was the reason for this?”