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Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/09/2015 - Individual Executive Member Decisions (Item 1.)

1. West Berkshire Council Equality Policy and Equality Objectives pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Councillor Marcus Franks

Additional documents:


Individual Decision No:


Portfolio Member:

Councillor Marcus Franks, Portfolio Holder for Partnerships, Equality, Community Safety


Resolved that the Equality Policy 2015-2018 and Equality Objectives 2015-2019 be approved subject to the inclusion of an addendum containing the following detail:


The first sentence in section 4.5 should be amended to:

“All employees are responsible for ensuring that they play their part in implementing the Policy.  This includes taking into consideration the impact on service users and consulting effectively with them when designing new polices, which would be evidenced through an Equality Impact Assessment.”


‘Equality in Employment Policy’ to be an Appendix to the Equality Policy


This decision is eligible to be ‘called-in’.  However, if the decision has not been ‘called-in’ by 5.00pm on 24 September 2015, then it will be implemented.