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Issue - meetings

Application Number and Parish:

Meeting: 01/11/2017 - Western Area Planning Committee (Item 29)

29 Application No. and Parish: 17/01445/FUL, The Lodge, High Elms, Aldworth Road, Compton pdf icon PDF 116 KB


Part retention of The Lodge to provide ancillary workshop and garaging to Walnut House


The Lodge, High Elms, Aldworth Road, Compton, Newbury, RG20 6RD


Mr Michael Milne


The Head of Development and Planning be authorised to GRANT conditional planning permission


Additional documents:


(Councillor Jeff Beck joined the meeting at 6.32pm; he confirmed that he had no interest to declare.)

The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 4(1)) concerning Planning Application 17/01445/FUL in respect of part retention of The Lodge to provide ancillary workshop and garaging to Walnut House at High Elms, Compton.

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Mr Aaron Smith, Parish Council representative, addressed the Committee on this application.

Derek Carnegie introduced the report to Members, which took account of all the relevant policy considerations and other material considerations. In conclusion the report detailed that the proposal was acceptable and a conditional approval was justifiable. Officers clearly recommended the Committee grant/refuse planning permission.

Mr Smith in addressing the Committee raised the following points:

·                     Fowler Architecture and Planning Ltd had been instructed by Compton Parish Council in respect of this application.

·                     The Lodge had not been demolished, as had been required in previous planning permission on the site and the Local Planning Authority had failed to impose the condition or take enforcement action.

·                     The Parish Council had no objection to the revised application before the Committee as the building would be ancillary and subservient to Walnut House.

·                     If the Committee were minded to approve the application a condition should be applied to require demolition of Lodge within twelve months. The Parish Council was relying on the applicant’s goodwill to demolish the Lodge.

·                     The Parish Council wanted reassurance that all avenues to regularise the use of the building would be explored.

Derek Carnegie advised that any conditions would need to be deemed appropriate and proportionate under the National Planning Policy Framework.

Shiraz Sheikh reminded the Committee that they were there to determine the application before them and not rectify previous issues.

Councillor Paul Bryant expressed the view that if the Committee were minded to approve the application there would be no change in situation regarding the removal of the existing building and he had found much of the statement to be irrelevant. Mr Smith responded that the application before the Committee was the result of discussions between the applicant and planning enforcement officers. The Parish Council was concerned regarding the history of the site and if permission was granted, unless there was a condition to require implementation, it would not achieve the reasons the application was submitted.

Councillor Anthony Pick stated that the original application required that the Lodge was demolished and this would still be in place whether or not the application before the Committee was granted. Mr Smith replied that the wording of the condition requiring demolition of the Lodge was not concrete enough to ensure that the condition was enforceable. Derek Carnegie agreed that the wording of the condition in the previous planning decision was not as precise as it might have been.

Councillor James Cole enquired whether there were any legal mechanisms to condition demolition within a timeframe. Mr Smith advised that it would be easier to apply under a s73a application.

Councillor Virginia von Celsing, speaking as War  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29