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Issue - meetings

Application Number and Parish:

Meeting: 13/12/2017 - Western Area Planning Committee (Item 33)

33 Application No. and Parish: 16/03411/FUL Compton pdf icon PDF 144 KB


Proposed burial ground extension to church including rain shelters, change of use from agricultural land to Sui Generis.



Land Opposite

Church Of St Mary and St Nicholas

Aldworth Road




Compton Parish Council


The Head of Development and Planning be authorised to REFUSE planning permission



Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 4(1)) concerning Planning Application 16/03411/FUL in respect of a proposed burial ground extension to the Church Of St Mary and St Nicholas including rain shelters, change of use from agricultural land to Sui Generis at Aldworth Road, Compton.

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Mr Aaron Smith, Mr Keith Simms and Mr Mark Birtwistle, Parish Council representatives, Mr Tony Keys, objector, Dr Peter McGeehin, supporter and Mr Geraint Williams, agent, addressed the Committee on this application.

Derek Carnegie introduced the report and update sheet to Members, which took account of all the relevant policy considerations and other material considerations. In conclusion the report detailed that the proposal was unacceptable and a conditional approval was unjustified. Officers on balance recommended that Committee refuse planning permission.

Paul Goddard clarified that a condition had been included in the update sheet to require widening of the access to the site should the Committee be minded to approve the application.

Mr Smith in addressing the Committee raised the following points:

·         The existing burial ground adjacent to the church was at capacity and could not be extended.

·         The site’s landowner had donated the land to the Parish Council for use as a secular burial ground.

·         The Council had suggested that the principle of the development was acceptable during pre-application advice received in 2015.

·         There was no better location in Compton for the site and it was well related to the church.

·         The proposal would not lead to urbanisation as it would have a grass road and it would relate well to the village.

·         The burial ground would have a formal layout and would be well screened, with landscape belts and low level features.

·         The burial ground was needed to meet the needs of local residents and the officer’s report stated that there was no clear breach of any of the Council’s planning policies.

Sharon Armour asked the Committee to leave any questions for the Parish Council as applicant (as opposed to representing the Parish) to Mr Williams who was speaking on behalf of the applicant later in the meeting.

Councillor Jeff Beck asked whether the Parish Council would operate and maintain the burial ground, should planning permission be granted. Mr Smith confirmed that they would. Councillor Beck enquired about the proposed use of the car park. Mr Birtwistle advised that the church had a car park but the car park as part of the proposed burial ground could be used when there were larger services. Councillor Beck further asked whether the burial ground would only be used for Compton residents. Mr Birtwistle advised that only parish residents would be permitted to be buried there with some exceptions for those who had recently left, for example to reside in a nursing home.

Councillor Hilary Cole noted that the Parish Council was responsible for making provision for burial grounds within the area of their parish. She asked what consultation had been carried out with residents. Mr Birtwistle advised that there had  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33