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Issue - meetings

Application Number and Parish:

Meeting: 29/08/2018 - Western Area Planning Committee (Item 16)

16 Application No. and Parish: 18/01001/HOUSE - 25 Buckingham Road, Newbury pdf icon PDF 94 KB


Erection of single storey rear extension; garage conversion to playroom and utility; re-tile existing house with slate tiles; render existing house and extension; removal of existing chimney stacks; alterations to existing porch and bay windows; internal alterations.


25 Buckingham Road, Newbury


Mr Weaver and Ms Wadsworth


The Head of Development and Planning be authorised to GRANT planning permission subject to conditions.


Additional documents:


(Councillors Jeff Beck and Anthony Pick declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 4(1) by virtue of the fact that they were members of Newbury Town Council and its Planning and Highways Committee. As their interest was personal and not prejudicial or a disclosable pecuniary interest, they determined to remain to take part in the debate and vote on the matter.)

(Councillors Jeanette Clifford, Billy Drummond and Adrian Edwards declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 4(1) by virtue of the fact that they were Foundation Governors at St Bartholomew's School and the school owned a property at 5 Buckingham Road. As their interest was personal and not prejudicial they determined to remain to take part in the debate and vote on the matter.)

1.         The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 4(1)) concerning Planning Application 18/01001/HOUSE in respect of 25 Buckingham Road, Newbury for the erection of a single storey rear extension; garage conversion to playroom and utility; re-tile existing house with slate tiles; render existing house and extension; removal of existing chimney stacks; alterations to existing porch and bay windows; internal alterations.

2.         In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Simon Weaver and Matthew Scaplehorn, applicant/agent and Councillor Anthony Pick, Ward Member addressed the Committee on this application.

3.         Derek Carnegie introduced the report to Members, which had been called in to the Committee by Councillor Pick due to concerns about the impact on the character of the area.  The application took account of all the relevant policy and other material considerations and Derek Carnegie concluded that the proposals were acceptable.  Therefore, on balance Officers recommended the Committee should grant planning permission.

4.         The Chairman added for clarity that Councillor Pick had called the item into the Committee because of his concerns about the use of slates on the roof of the property and the removal of the chimneys.

5.         Simon Weaver in addressing the Committee raised the following points:

·           He was the applicant, had lived in Newbury all his life and had purchased the property as a home for his family.

·           The property required a considerable amount of modernisation both internally and externally and he wanted it to last beyond his family’s forthcoming requirements.  Therefore they wished to bring the house up-to-date through the use of modern materials.

·           However, they wanted to be good neighbours and did not want to cause any offence with the alterations.  Consequently he had attended the meeting so that he could understand the various objections.

6.    Councillor Hilary Cole asked why the chimneys were being removed.  Mr Weaver replied that as there was no purpose in retaining the fire places, there did not seem any reason to retain the chimneys.  In addition, it seemed appropriate to remove them whilst the construction work was being undertaken, as there might come a time in the future when they would need to be removed.

7.    Councillor Pick asked about the motivation for rendering the house. Mr Weaver responded that they had liked the look of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16