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Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/10/2019 - Executive (Item 50)

50 Key Accountable Performance 2019/20: Quarter One (EX3713) pdf icon PDF 124 KB

(CSP: All)

Purpose:  To report quarter one outturns for the core business measures which monitor performance against the 2019/20 Council Performance Framework.

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Resolved that:


·         Progress against the core business measures be noted.

·         Those areas reported as ‘amber’ or ‘red’ (detailed in Appendix F) had been reviewed to ensure that appropriate actions were in place and were making a difference, in particular for the measure relating to:

·         The timeliness of reviews of clients with ASC long term service – this had been referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Commission by the Executive at Q4.

·         The decrease in demand in Q1 in Children and Family Services be noted.

·         The increase in demand and its subsequent impact on performance and financial commitment in Adult Social Care be noted, in particular on the Locality Teams.


This decision is eligible to be ‘called-in’.  However, if the decision has not been ‘called-in’ by 5.00pm on 24 October 2019, then it will be implemented.


The Executive considered a report (Agenda Item 6) concerning quarter one outturns for the core business measures which monitored performance against the 2019/20 Council Performance Framework. The report sought to provide assurance that the core business areas set out in the Council Strategy 2019-2023 were being managed effectively and presented, by exception, those measures which were predicted to be ‘amber’ (behind schedule) or ‘red’ (not achievable) at the end of the quarter, and provided information on remedial action taken and the impact of that action.

Councillor Howard Woollaston commended the report to the Executive. While the Council would by no means be complacent, performance was in a good place and much was owed to officers for their continued hard work.

Quarter one results showed that performance levels were in line to achieve the end of year targets for the majority of the measures of the core business areas. An analysis of the measures RAG rated Amber or Red, showed that actions had been implemented to improve performance, which in one of the two cases was just below the target set – average number of days taken to make a full decision on changes in a benefit claimants circumstances.

The area of underperformance concerning the timeliness of reviews of clients with an Adult Social Care long term service (LTS) had already been referred by the Executive at Q4 for more in depth scrutiny by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Commission (OSMC).

Councillor Woollaston highlighted that there had been a decrease in demand in Q1 in Children and Family Services; and an increase in demand in Adult Social Care services which had a particular impact on the Locality Teams.

Issues encountered with major ICT projects had been or were in the process of being resolved.

Councillor Graham Bridgman highlighted points relating to Adult Social Care. He welcomed the good performance reported regarding reablement/ rehabilitation following discharge of clients from hospital. Excellent performance had also been maintained for the timeliness in conducting financial assessments despite the number and complexity of financial assessments and reviews increasing.

Councillor Bridgman next made reference to adult safeguarding enquiries. The number of enquiries opened, whilst below the previous two quarters, was still 10.6% higher than the same quarter last year. Councillor Bridgman clarified that these enquiries related to externally run services and did not relate to the Council’s own services. The Council held safeguarding responsibility for all its residents in receipt of social care services including from external providers. The practice followed by the Council on receiving a report was to hold a safeguarding enquiry for each individual client rather than the external establishment concerned which was the practice employed in other areas.

There had been a particular increase in reports relating to two external providers and it had therefore been necessary to open safeguarding enquiries.

Councillor Bridgman very much welcomed the fact that people were reporting their concerns.

As already explained, reviews of people with a LTS was reported ‘red’. Councillor Bridgman acknowledged that the numbers provided  ...  view the full minutes text for item 50