Issue - meetings
Meeting: 13/02/2020 - Executive (Item 86)
86 Investment and Borrowing Strategy 2020/21(C3809) PDF 265 KB
Purpose: This report sets out the proposed Investment and Borrowing Strategy for 2020/21, as required by the Local Government Act 2003.
Resolved that Council be recommended to approve the proposed Investment and Borrowing Strategy for 2020/21.
This decision is not subject to call in as:
· the item is due to be referred to Council for final approval.
The Executive considered a report (Agenda Item 6) concerning the proposed Investment and Borrowing Strategy for 2020/21 as required by the Local Government Act 2003.
Councillor Ross Mackinnon stated that the report set out the direction for investment and the parameters around borrowing requirements.
Councillor Owen Jeffery referred to paragraph 5.4 on page 18 of the agenda and he asked if the word ‘therefore’ could be replaced with the word ‘has’. This was agreed.
Councillor Carolyne Culver referred to the table in paragraph 5.9, page 19 of the agenda, and noted that two of the columns in relation to Capital Receipts were empty and she asked if figures could be included. She also asked where funds would be coming from in 2021/22. It was confirmed that this had been included in the Council’s borrowing limits.
RESOLVED that the proposed Investment and Borrowing Strategy to recommended to Council for approval.
Other options considered: Not applicable.