Issue - meetings
Public Questions
Meeting: 21/05/2020 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 96)
Public Questions
Members of the Executive to answer questions submitted by members of the public in accordance with the Executive Procedure Rules contained in the Council’s Constitution. (Note: There were no questions submitted relating to items not included on this Agenda.)
(a) Questions submitted to the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care by Mrs Alex Osterritter from the West Berkshire Learning Disability Partnership Board:
i) “Does the Health and Wellbeing Board know how many adults with learning difficulties are currently placed out of area?”
ii) “When were services supporting West Berkshire residents who are placed out of our area last visited, or when did the Care Quality and Safeguarding function last receive intelligence to provide assurances that they are of good quality?”
iii) “With no Care Quality Commission visits being able to take place due to Covid19, how can the Health and Wellbeing Board be assured that those placed out of area are in homes where there is sufficient Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and resources to keep them safe, well and not restricted of their liberty any more than absolutely necessary?”
(b) |
Questions submitted to the Portfolio Holder for Public Health and Community Wellbeing by Ms Julie Wintrup: i) Following Michael Gove’s announcement on Sunday 17 May 2020 that 17,200 contact tracers had been employed and trained across the UK can the Board confirm how many of those are being employed in West Berkshire?
ii) Who is employing and training these trainers to contact trace?
iii) When will the tracers start working?
iv) Is the Board confident that West Berkshire's Public Health team is currently adequately resourced and capable of providing the highest standard of testing, contact tracing (including for example signing into workplaces and other venues), and ensuring that effective isolation is maintained?
v) Is the Board confident that West Berkshire is adequately staffed to support the current and forthcoming needs of its citizens?
(c) |
Questions submitted to the Portfolio Holder for Public Health and Community Wellbeing by Ms Caroline Ffrench Blake: i) Does the Council consider it is too early for post COVID planning in the area of ongoing health and wellbeing for Newbury town centre residents? |
Members of the Executive to answer questions submitted by members of the public in accordance with the Executive Procedure Rules contained in the Council’s Constitution
A full transcription of the public and Member question and answer sessions is available from the following link:
(a) Questions submitted to the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care by Mrs Alex Osterritter from the West Berkshire Learning Disability Partnership Board: i) A question standing in the name of Mrs Alex Osterritter asking whether the Health and Wellbeing Board was aware of how many adults with learning difficulties were currently placed out of area received a written answer from the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care received a written answer from the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care.
ii) A question standing in the name of Mrs Alex Osterritter asking when were services supporting West Berkshire residents who are placed out of our area last visited, or when did the Care Quality and Safeguarding function last receive intelligence to provide assurances that they are of good quality received a written answer from the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care.
iii) A question standing in the name of Mrs Alex Osterritter asking with no Care Quality Commission visits being able to take place due to Covid19, how can the Health and Wellbeing Board be assured that those placed out of area are in homes where there is sufficient Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and resources to keep them safe, well and not restricted of their liberty any more than absolutely necessary received a written answer from the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care.