Issue - meetings
Public Questions
Meeting: 20/05/2021 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 7)
Public Questions
Members of the Board to answer questions submitted by members of the public in accordance with the Executive Procedure Rules contained in the Council’s Constitution.
Question Submitted by Ms Paula Saunderson to Berkshire West Clinical Commissioning Group:
a) Following the last meeting and my discussions with Niki Cartwright of BW CCG and Cllr Woollaston, I have been advised work is underway to assess why BW CCG has a low rate of awarding normal CHC (Continuous Health Care) for Long-term Dementia patients, so how is the work progressing please and when and how will the findings be available?
Question submitted by Ms Paula Saunderson to the Chairman of Health and Wellbeing Board
b) The new Health Scrutiny Committee reporting to OSMC will not have Older Adults Social Care within its remit and the Forward Plan for OSCM does not include ASC for review within the next year, so how will the lessons to be learnt from the Pandemic during the 2020 period be scrutinised please?
Questions submitted submitted by Ms Paula Saunderson to the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care:
c) The recent closure of Willows Edge means there are less AFFORDABLE Nursing places available for Dementia Patients in their later Stages, and it is difficult for self-funders of modest means to find such places, so how will this Board assure Family Dementia Carers of modest means that sufficient AFFORDABLE accommodation will be available over the next 5 years when they can no longer cope?
d) After an extensive trawl there appears to be no AFFORDABLE Residential Respite Care available for worn-out self-funding Family Full-time Unpaid Dementia Carers, so how will this position be rectified going forward, please?
Question submitted by Mr Paul Morgan to the Chairman of Health and Wellbeing Board:
e) What is the total budget allocated for Health & Wellbeing board over the next 24 months and what are the specific projects that this money will be spent on and when?
A full transcription of the public and Member question and answer sessions is available from the following link: Transcription of Q&As
a) The question submitted by Ms Paula Saunderson on the subject of the low rate of normal Continuous Health Care awarded for long-term dementia patients was answered Interim Director of Joint Commissioning from the Berkshire West Clinical Commissioning Group.
b) The question submitted by Ms Paula Saunderson on the subject of how lessons would be learned from the pandemic was answered by the Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
c) The question submitted by Ms Paula Saunderson on the subject of the future availability of affordable nursing places for Dementia Patients in their later stages was answered by West Berkshire Council’s Executive Director - People.
d) The question submitted by Ms Paula Saunderson on the subject of the availability of affordable residential respite care for full-time, unpaid dementia carers was answered by West Berkshire Council’s Executive Director - People.
e) The question submitted by Mr Paul Morgan on the budget allocated for Health & Wellbeing board over the next 24 months and projects that this money will be spent on and when was answered by the Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board.