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Issue - meetings

Members' Question(s)

Meeting: 28/01/2021 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 134)

134 Members' Question(s) pdf icon PDF 247 KB

Members of the Health and Wellbeing Board to answer questions submitted by Councillors in accordance with the Executive Procedure Rules contained in the Council’s Constitution.

The list of Member questions is shown under item 15 in the agenda pack.


(a)  Questions submitted to the Communities & Wellbeing by Councillor Martha Vickers:


1. “In the light of the report of a significant rise in incidents of Non Accidental Injuries to children during the period of the pandemic could the Council create a Covid Dashboard Tracker in order to monitor the broader effects of the pandemic on our community?”


The service director for Communities & Wellbeing for West Berkshire Council provided the following written response:


“The council and its partners are aware of both the direct and indirect negative impacts from the pandemic to our health and wellbeing. You may recall the public health and wellbeing team produced a life course infographic last year to highlight these impacts. At a recent ICP Prevention Board, it was agreed that we would revisit this infographic and identify potential indicators to monitor change over time. I’m aware that as part of the council’s recovery strategy, a delivery plan is also being developed that will look to incorporate key data that the council can use to further understand, monitor and mitigate the impacts of the pandemic. We will look to report progress from this work at future health and wellbeing board meetings.

With regards to Non Accidental Injuries, we have sadly seen an increase in numbers throughout 2020 and I know that Berkshire West’s Children’s Safeguarding Partnership and the ICP Children’s programme Board continue to monitor this issue closely and are work together to keep children safe.


The Chairman asked: “Do you have a supplementary question arising directly out of the answer to your original question. A supplementary should be relevant to the original question and not introduce any new material?”


Councillor Vickers did not have a supplementary question