Issue - meetings
Application Number and Parish:
Meeting: 08/02/2023 - Western Area Planning Committee (Item 27)
Proposal: |
Hybrid application: 1) Outline planning permission (all matters reserved with the exception of access), for development comprising of up to 160 residential units (Class C3), the provision of landscaping, construction of access and street lighting, car and cycle parking, other associated infrastructure, sustainable drainage systems, engineering works and mitigation measures including the construction of internal roads. The proposal includes at least 1.75 hectares of employment land (Class B1) associated with the retention of the Intervet building and a playing field (Class D2) associated with the retention of the existing Cricket Pitch. 2) Full planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings, structures and hardstanding along with preparatory works including earthworks, remediation, utility works and associated mitigation measures. The change of use of land including the creation of public open space and wildlife area. |
Location: |
Institute for Animal Health, High Street, Compton |
Applicant: |
Homes England |
Recommendation: |
Officers seek confirmation from Committee that the application can proceed in accordance with the previous resolution of Western Area Planning Committee with the following updated conditions. |
Additional documents:
- 1a. Conditions for end of report 20.01336.OUTMAJ, item 27 PDF 320 KB
- 1b. Map, item 27 PDF 3 MB
- 1c. Minutes 6 April, item 27 PDF 375 KB
- 1d. Minutes 23 February 2022, item 27 PDF 539 KB
- 1e. 4th Addendum - Update sheet, item 27 PDF 178 KB
- 1f. 2nd Addendum - Additional report, item 27 PDF 398 KB
- 1g. 3rd Addendum - Original report, item 27 PDF 807 KB
- 1h. Plans, item 27 PDF 8 MB
Councillor Carolyne Culver declared an interest in Agenda Item 4(1), by virtue of the fact that the site was within her ward. As her interest was a personal or an other registrable interest, but not a disclosable pecuniary interest, she determined to remain to take part in the debate and vote on the matter.
Councillor Carolyne Culver declared that she had been lobbied on Agenda Item 4(1).
1. The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 4(1)) concerning Planning Application 20/01336/OUTMAJ in respect of Institute for Animal Health, High Street, Compton.
2. Ms Lydia Mather introduced the report to Members, which took account of all the relevant policy considerations and other material planning considerations. In conclusion the report detailed that comments on the ownership certificates did not raise any land ownership matters and all other matters were unchanged, had been outlined previously, and had been considered when Western Area Planning Committee had reached its resolution on 23 February 2022. Therefore, officers recommended that the Committee confirm that the application could proceed in accordance with the previous resolution subject to the completion of the Section 106 agreement, and the updated conditions outlined in the main and update reports.
3. In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Mr Mike Harris, applicant, addressed the Committee on this application.
Applicant Representation
4. Mr Mike Harris, Homes England, in addressing the Committee raised the following points:
· Mr Harris noted that the revision was due to unregistered land which had come up during the Section 106 process.
· Mr Harris noted that the Section 106 agreement was progressing well and had been signed by Homes England. The points raised at the previous Committee meeting had been addressed, and Homes England was cooperating well with officers regarding the conditions.
Member Questions to the Applicant
5. Members did not have any questions of clarification.
Ward Member Representation
6. Councillor Carolyne Culver in addressing the Committee raised the following points:
· Councillor Culver noted that she was pleased that the Section 106 agreement had been signed and was with the Council.
· Councillor Culver expressed disappointment as Ward Member that the local GP surgery had not previously taken the opportunity to respond to the consultation. Councillor Culver noted that residents were very much concerned about the increased pressure on the facility.
Member Questions to the Ward Member
7. Members did not have any questions of clarification.
Member Questions to Officers
8. Councillor Tony Vickers noted that he could not see any clear changes in the diagrams, and asked what changes had been made. Ms Mather responded that the diagrams were the same, but that the main issue was the ownership certificates, which had been clarified and the correct notices had been served.
9. Councillor Adrian Abbs concurred with Councillor Vickers. Mr Dray added that this area of land had come up during the Section 106 process, and was a technicality within the legislation presented largely as an informative.
10. Councillor Culver asked when the Section 106 agreements would be available for the Parish Councillors ... view the full minutes text for item 27