Issue - meetings
Application Number and Parish:
Meeting: 21/06/2023 - Western Area Planning Committee (Item 5)
5 Application No. and Parish: 21/02529/COMIND, Ownham Farm, Newbury, RG20 8PL PDF 539 KB
Proposal: |
Proposed change of use from agricultural to new equine facility (racehorse training and stabling) for 45No horses, including the installation of associated car park, all storm water and foul water drainage, and new landscaping. The installation of new entrance gates within existing vehicular access and gallops - (Part Implemented). Refurbishment of existing former farm buildings, demolition of existing hay barn, erection of new stable building, horse walker and lunge pen – (Retrospective). |
Location: |
Ownham Farm, Unnamed Road From Valley Road To Ownham, Ownham, Newbury, West Berkshire, RG20 8PL. |
Applicant: |
HDR Ltd |
Recommendation: |
To DELEGATE to the Development Control Manager toGRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to the schedule of conditions (Section 8 of the report), comments from Natural England with regard to the Habitats Regulation Assessment and the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement as a planning obligation to secure the Habitats Regulation Assessment recommendations. OR If the legal agreement is not completed by the 21st September 2023 (3 months of the committee meeting), or such other date as agreed in writing by the Development Control Manager in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, to DELEGATE to the Development Control Manager to REFUSE PLANNING PERMISSION, for the reasons set out in Section 8 of the report.
Additional documents:
- 1a. Map 21-02529-COMIND, item 5 PDF 2 MB
- 1b. Appendx 1 - 21-02529-COMIND -Ownham Farm WBC Habitats Regulations Assessment, item 5 PDF 2 MB
Councillors Dennis Benneyworth and Tony Vickers declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 4(1) by virtue of the fact that the site was situated within their ward. As their interest was personal and not prejudicial or a disclosable pecuniary interest, they determined to remain to take part in the debate and vote on the matter.
Councillors Dennis Benneyworth and Tony Vickers declared that they had been lobbied on Agenda Item 4(1).
1. The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 4(1)) concerning Planning Application 21/02529/COMIND in respect of Ownham Farm, Newbury, RG20 8PL.
2. Mr Masie Masiiwa, Senior Planning Officer, introduced the report to Members, which took account of all the relevant policy considerations and other material planning considerations. In conclusion the report detailed that the proposal was acceptable in planning terms and officers recommended that the Service Director of Development and Regulation be authorised to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions outlined in the main and update report, comments from Natural England with regard to the Habitats Regulation Assessment and the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement as a planning obligation to secure the Habitats Regulation Assessment recommendations, or, if the legal agreement was not completed by 21 September 2023, or such date as agreed in writing by the Development Control Manager in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, to delegate to the Development Control Manager to refuse planning permission, for the reasons set out in Section 8 of the report.
3. Mr Phil Lomax, Nutrient Neutrality Officer, addressed the Committee regarding the objection raised by Natural England, stating that the Council was required to undertake a Habitats Regulation Assessment due to the export load of phosphorous being above baseline levels. The conclusion of the Habitats Regulation Assessment was that the development would not result in any adverse effect on the integrity of the River Lambourn. Natural England had objected to that conclusion. Mr Lomax stated that the objection was an unusual step for Natural England to take rather than request further information from the Council, but that he was confident that those objections were based on misunderstandings and could be addressed.
4. The Chairman asked Mr Paul Goddard, Highways, if he had any observations relating to the application. Mr Goddard stated that the main access to the site was via the high street, and that the access complied with all Council standards in regards to width and sightlines in both directions onto the High Street, which was more than suitable for the expected number of vehicle movements. During horse racing season, it was expected that there would be 16 cars in and 16 cars out per day, some of which would be 3.5 tonne horse boxes or 7.5 tonne lorries for deliveries. The secondary access via Ownham Lane was not suitable due to its width, so a condition had been applied to limit the use of access. The parking and site layout was considered acceptable, and therefore Highways had no objection to the application.
5. In ... view the full minutes text for item 5