Issue - meetings
Application Number and Parish:
Meeting: 21/02/2024 - Western Area Planning Committee (Item 3)
3 Application No. and Parish: 23/00397/OUTMAJ - Bath Road, Speen, Newbury PDF 778 KB
Proposal: |
Section 73 - Application for Removal or Variation of a Condition following Grant of Planning Permission17/02092/OUTMAJ - Hybrid planning application comprising an outline planning application for up to 93 dwellings and associated works - all matters reserved; a change of use of land from agricultural to public open space; a changes of use of land to provide extension to existing allotments; and a full planning application for the erection of 11 new dwellings, new access and associated works on previously developed land.
Location: |
Covered Reservoir, Bath Road, Speen, Newbury |
Applicant: |
David Wilson Homes (Southern)
Recommendation: |
To delegate to the Development Manager to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to conditions |
Additional documents:
- 1a. Map 23-00397-OUTMAJ, item 3 PDF 3 MB
- 1. Update Report 23-00397-OUTMAJ Covered Reservoir, item 3 PDF 438 KB
1. Members agreed to consider Agenda Items 4(1), 4(2) and 4(3) together, to be covered by a single presentation and a single set of questions and debate.
2. The Committee considered reports for Agenda Items 4(1), 4(2) and 4(3) concerning the following Planning Applications:
· 23/00397/OUTMAJ – Bath Road, Speen, Newbury in respect of Section 73 - Application for Removal or Variation of a Condition following Grant of Planning Permission17/02092/OUTMAJ - Hybrid planning application comprising an outline planning application for up to 93 dwellings and associated works - all matters reserved; a change of use of land from agricultural to public open space; a changes of use of land to provide extension to existing allotments; and a full planning application for the erection of 11 new dwellings, new access and associated works on previously developed land.
· 22/01235/RESMAJ – Bath Road, Speen, Newbury in respect of application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 17/02092/OUTMAJ - Hybrid planning application comprising an outline planning application for up to 93 dwellings and associated works - all matters reserved; a change of use of land from agricultural to public open space; a changes of use of land to provide extension to existing allotments; and a full planning application for the erection of 11 new dwellings, new access and associated works on previously developed land. Reserved matters approval for the erection of 93 homes, with associated open space and other infrastructure. Matters to be considered: access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale.
· 23/00373/RESMAJ – Land Off Lambourn Road, Speen, Newbury in respect of approval of reserved matters following Outline Permission 17/02093/OUTMAJ (Outline planning application for up to 14 dwellings and associated works - all matters reserved except access.) Matters seeking consent: appearance, landscaping, layout and scale.
3. Mr Masie Masiiwa introduced the combined report to Members, which took account of all relevant policy considerations and other material planning considerations. In conclusion the reports detailed that the proposals were acceptable in planning terms. For application 23/00397/OUTMAJ, officers recommended that the Development Manager be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the conditions outlined in the main and update reports. For applications 22/01235/RESMAJ and 23/00373/RESMAJ, officers recommended that the Development Manager be authorised to grant reserved matters approval subject to the conditions in the main reports and update reports.
4. The Chairman asked Mr Paul Goddard if he had any observations relating to the applications. He confirmed that access points had been approved as part of the outline permission and the current applications related to the internal arrangements. Officers were content with the proposals set out in all three applications with regards to road design, parking, electric vehicle charging, and cycle storage and recommended approval. Minor points left to consider could be addressed as part of the road adoption process.
5. Mr Colin Mansell had been due to speak as an objector, but was unable to attend due to illness and Mr John Headland had requested to speak on his behalf. Also, Ms Sian Keeling was unable to ... view the full minutes text for item 3