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Issue - meetings


Meeting: 14/03/2024 - Executive (Item 6.)

6. Capital Financing Report Financial Year 2023/24 Quarter Three (EX4502) pdf icon PDF 808 KB

Purpose: the capital financing performance report provided to Members reports on the under or overspends against the Council’s approved capital programme and associated capital financing implications. The report presents the provisional outturn position for financial year 2023/24 as forecast at quarter three, and future borrowing requirement for financial year 2024/25 which is funded from the Council’s revenue budget.      


Resolved that: Members

·       Note the quarter three underspend position of £12.9 million and reprofiling proposals of £3.2 million. Reprofiling proposals are included in appendix B.

·       Note the budget changes included in the quarter three position detailed in appendix A.

·       Note an increase in the grant funded element of the Disabled Facilities Grant of £345k due to increased grant funding secured.

This decision is not subject to call in as:


·     Report is to note only


therefore it will be implemented immediately.