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Issue - meetings

Application Number and Parish:

Meeting: 21/08/2024 - Western Area Planning Committee (Item 4.(1))

4.(1) 23/02520/NONMAT Newbury Town Council & 23/02544/FUL - S73A Newbury Town Council pdf icon PDF 297 KB


23/02520/NONMAT - Application for a Non-Material Amendment Following a Grant of Planning Permission 22/02310/FUL - Recladding the existing building. Change of use from class B2 Industrial with B2 (a) Office to B8 Storage. Amendments: External changes including the recladding of the existing building. Change of use from class B2 Industrial with B2 (a) Office to B8 Storage.

23/02544/FUL - S73A - Application for Variation of Condition 2 following Grant of Planning Permission 22/02310/FUL - Recladding the existing building. Change of use from class B2 Industrial with B2 (a) Office to B8 Storage.



Newspaper House


Cinch Self Storage


To delegate to the Development Manager to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to the conditions listed below.



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