Agenda and decisions
Contact: Democratic Services Team
Note | No. | Item | ||||
ID4438 |
Appointment to Outside Bodies PDF 242 KB Councillor Lee Dillon Additional documents:
Resolved that: the Leader notes the report and appoints to representatives to serve on the organisations listed below: West Berkshire Fostering Panel Councillor Martha Vickers to replace Councillor Justin Pemberton St Bartholomew's School Charitable Foundation Councillor Patrick Clark to be appointed to the vacant position. Standing Conference on Archives Councillor Janine Lewis to replace Councillor Tony Vickers Building Communities Together Partnership Councillor Lee Dillon and Councillor Vicky Poole to replace Councillor Lousie Sturgess and Councillor Martha Vickers.
This decision is eligible to be ‘called-in’. However, if the decision has not been ‘called-in’ by 5.00pm on 7 September 2023, then it will be implemented. |