Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber Council Offices Market Street Newbury. View directions
Contact: Ben Ryan (Democratic Services Officer)
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest received.
Proposal: An Application for a premises licence to be granted under the Licensing Act 2003 Location: Coriander Club, 98 Royal Avenue, Calcot, Reading, West Berkshire, RG31 4UT Applicant: Let’s Eat Trading Ltd Additional documents:
The Licensing Sub-Committee of West Berkshire Council met on 13 December 2023 and resolved to approve Application 22976 in respect of premises known as Coriander Club, 98 Royal Avenue, Calcot, Reading, West Berkshire, RG31 4UT subject to a number of conditions which are set out below.
In coming to their decision, the Sub-Committee had regard to the four licensing objectives, which are:
1. the prevention of crime and disorder; 2. public safety; 3. the prevention of public nuisance; and 4. the protection of children from harm.
They also considered the Home Office Revised Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 and West Berkshire Council’s Statement of Licensing policy.
The Sub-Committee heard representations made by:
1. The Applicant: Mr and Mrs Sandhu and William Donne (Applicant’s agent) 2. The Objector: Jacky Major on behalf of Tilehurst Parish Council 3. Ward Member: Councillor Clive Taylor
The Licensing Sub-Committee also considered all written representations which were included within the agenda pack which had been determined to be “relevant representations” in accordance with section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003. Therefore, all written representations were considered by the Licensing Sub-Committee.
The Sub-Committee further considered the Skeleton Argument submitted by the Applicant. This material had been emailed by the Applicant’s agent to the Licencing Authority outside office hours at 23.26pm on Wednesday 6th December 2023, meaning circulation could not have taken place until Thursday 7th December 2023, which was less than five clear working days before the day of the hearing. The Applicant applied to introduce this late material, and this was admitted into evidence on the day of the hearing with the agreement of all parties. Copies of the document were made available and there was a short adjournment of the hearing to allow for consideration of this document.
The Licensing Sub-Committee noted that the application had been amended during the consultation period and additional conditions had been offered up by the Applicant and agreed with Environmental Health and this was set out at pages 1 and 2 of the Skeleton Argument.
Having taken those representations into account, the Licensing Sub-Committee RESOLVED that Application 22976 be granted subject to the conditions as set out in the operating schedule, including as modified below, as well as any relevant mandatory conditions in ss19-21 of the Licensing Act 2003 and secondary legislation.
Box I: Late Night Refreshment
Indoors and outdoors
Non-Standard Timings
New Year’s Eve from 23:00 hours until 01:00 hours on New Year’s Day.
Box J: Supply of Alcohol
On and Off the Premises 11:00 hours to 23:00 hoursMonday to Sunday
Non-Standard Timings
New Year’s Eve from 11:00 hours until 01:00 hours on New Year’s Day
Licensing Objectives
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 2(1)) concerning Licensing Application 22976 in respect of Coriander Club, 98 Royal Avenue, Calcot, Reading, West Berkshire, RG31 4UT. In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Krystelle Kamola (Licensing Officer), Mr and Mrs Sandhu (Applicant), Bill Donne (Agent), Jacky Major (Objector) and Councillor Clove Taylor (Ward member) addressed the Sub-Committee on this application. The applicant made a request to provide late evidence to the Sub-Committee. As the material had been submitted out of time, it was explained to all parties that the material could only be introduced, if unanimously agreed. Councillor Jane Langford proposed to allow the evidence to be introduced and this was seconded by Councillor Nigel Foot. The vote was put to all parties, and it was agreed unanimously. The Sub-Committee adjourned at 10:18 am to provide members of the Sub-Committee and all parties, with an opportunity to read the document and returned at 10:35 am. Ms Kamola introduced the report to Members, which took account of all the relevant policy considerations and outlined the application timeline. Mr Donne, in addressing the Sub-Committee, raised the following points: · That the original application had standard operational timings, however due to representations made the applicant looked to mitigate concerns by shortening opening hours. · The Applicant had removed late night refreshment from the application apart from special events. · The sale of alcohol hours was reduced to 23:00 pm. · Alcohol was to only be served at the table and with a substantial meal. · That the claim that there was a lack of parking was false as there would be plenty of parking on the Old Bath Road. · Crime and disorder concerns could be linked to a pub that closed, which as not a comparable establishment to the applicant’s venue. · The Applicant owned a successful deli, which was a demonstratied that they could uphold the Licensing Objectives. Councillor Langford questioned whether there were three shops selling alcohol and the time that alcohol would be available for purchase. Mr Donne explained that the Off-License was open from 8:00 am and closed at 20:00 pm, the deli closed late afternoon and that the Coriander Club would stop serving alcohol at 23:00 pm. Councillor Foot queried the closing time of the venue and Mr Donne explained it would be closed by 23:30 pm. The Chairman asked whether the garden area was isolated, and Mr Donne confirmed that people would have to go through the front door to enter the garden. Ms Major canvassed how the outside area would be used, and Mr Donne expressed that it would be used for dinning only. Councillor Taylor asked whether there would be seating outside the front and Mr Donne noted there would be 15 seats. Councillor Taylor queried whether there would be smoking restrictions and Mr Donne stated that as the pagoda would be considered an indoor area. Ms Mayjor in addressing the Sub-Committee, raised the following points: · There were concerns raised over parking in the area where buses struggle to pass. · The ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |