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Agenda item

Actions from previous Minutes

To receive an update on actions following the previous Commission meeting.


(Councillor Marcus Franks declared a personal interest in Agenda item 4 by virtue of the fact that he was employed by Sovereign Housing Association. As his interest was personal and not prejudicial he determined to take part in the debate and vote on the matter).

The Commission received an update on actions from the previous meeting.  Comments were received regarding the following items:

2.1 – An additional, verbal update was received with regard to encouraging school governing bodies to include Councillors in their membership. The Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People had contacted the Head Teacher at St Bartholomew’s School and received a positive response, and Kennet School already had Councillors sitting on their Board.  Park House School was still to be approached.

2.3 – Councillor Tony Vickers expressed surprise that the Portfolio Holder for Housing had shown no concern regarding the numbers of people presenting as homeless.  He was concerned that the Portfolio Holder had misunderstood the issue raised at the last meeting of the Commission.  Councillor Vickers clarified that the issue had not related to the red performance indicator that measured the number of people presenting as homeless where homelessness was relieved, but to the number of people who were homeless, had completed a form through the Council’s Housing team, and were considered to be homeless as a result.  He informed the Commission, that there had been a four-fold increase in numbers at each of these stages.

Councillor David Rendel asked for the letter that had been sent to the Portfolio Holder for Housing to be circulated amongst the members of the Commission in order to understand the questions that had been responded to.  Councillor Rendel believed that the original question had referenced the increase in people who had applied for housing, and those who had been found to be homeless; however the response given related to people who did not require housing or where housing had been found.  He noted that the number of applications had increased, and concluded that the percentage of those classed as homeless had decreased as a result. Councillor Rendel considered that the Council’s ability to deal with people who applied as homeless was worsening and expressed concern at the magnitude of the increase in homeless applications from 36 to 169 between 2010/11 and 2011/12.  Councillor Rendel noted that when compared to the 50 places available, 169 applications was a significant issue.

Councillor Emma Webster agreed with the comments raised by Councillor Vickers, and noted that she believed the performance indicator to be irrelevant to this matter, and the real issue lay beneath.  Councillor Webster requested that a second letter be sent, this time to the new Portfolio Holder for Housing, which reiterated the Commission’s concern.  Councillor Webster reminded the Commission that it was within their remit to convene a task group to scrutinise this issue further if adequate information was not forthcoming.

The Chairman reminded the Commission that the original request had been to arrange a crisis meeting with involved agencies, and suggested that a letter should ask for this meeting to be facilitated, or to provide information as to why it would not occur.  He agreed that the letter should include sufficient background information to inform the new Portfolio Holder of the issues.


-          The letter previously sent to the Portfolio Holder for Housing be circulated to the members of the Commission

-          A letter be sent to the new Portfolio Holder for Housing requesting a meeting with all involved agencies.

Supporting documents: