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Agenda item

Update on Preparations for the Olympic Games

Purpose: To update the Commission on preparations and events taking place within West Berkshire.


The Commission received a verbal report (Agenda Item 9) concerning preparations for the Olympic Games.

Councillor Carol Jackson-Doerge introduced the item and made the following points:

·        The West Berkshire Enjoy website was up and running;

·        A newsletter had been prepared and distributed which contained a list of all the events occurring both for the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic Games;

·        Little progress had been made in organising a recognition event for local athletes taking part in the Olympic Games as details were still awaited from LOCOG of all those taking part;

·        The torch relay would reach West Berkshire on 11 July 2012, arriving in Calcot at 09:47.  The Council were considering security alongside logistical issues in partnership with local communities.

·        Approximately 12,000 children from schools across the area were preparing to watch the torch travel through the district.  The identification of suitable drop off and pick up points, as well as other facilities (for example toilets), were being considered along with locations on the route for the children to stand. 

·        Local businesses were being kept informed and potential issues being highlighted, such as avoiding deliveries during the relay, and ensuring employees could get to work.

Chris Jones informed the Commission that the torch relay would travel through Calcot, Theale, Thatcham, and Newbury town centre before a half hour stop at the Pinchington Lane Tesco store, after which it would be leaving West Berkshire. 

Councillor Webb requested clarification as to how the torch would progress through the area.  Chris Jones replied that for sections of the journey, the torch would be within a vehicle, and listed the following sections of the route as those where the torch would be carried by a runner:

·        1.6km through Calcot;

·        1.1km along Theale High Street;

·        3km through Thatcham, from Kennet Leisure Centre to Henwick Worthy Sports Ground;

·        From the BP garage on the A4 to Bear Lane in Newbury;

·        From Newbury Retail Park entrance to its final stop outside Tesco.

Councillor Beck enquired how communication was taking place with businesses as he expressed concern that small businesses might not be fully aware of the implications of the relay, and a single delivery taking place during the event could have serious consequences.  Councillor Jackson-Doerge explained that dialogue was ongoing with Newbury Town Council and Theale Parish Council amongst others to speak directly with businesses, and a leaflet was being produced for all businesses to raise awareness of what to expect on the day. 

Chris Jones informed the Commission that LOCOG had stringent rules regarding their branding and as a result the Trading Standards and Licensing teams were involved in the arrangements for and running of the day in order to ensure that these standards were maintained by local businesses.  However he noted that LOCOG appeared to be exercising their rules in a sensible manner.

Councillor Vickers asked whether LOCOG’s strict rules around advertising would be enforced in the area.  Chris Jones clarified that the intention was to prevent ‘guerrilla advertising’ aimed at hijacking camera coverage.  It would not affect existing advertising, however the Council would work with LOCOG should their requirements change.

Councillor Rendel expressed the view that publicity for the event would need to be clear with regard to explaining where the torch would be carried, and when it would be in a vehicle.  He believed that many people could be disappointed if they were unaware of the changes, and chose to view the relay at a point that it was in a vehicle.  Chris Jones replied that the information was being publicised and he was working with the Newbury Weekly News to publicise where the torch could be viewed in safety.

Councillor Franks asked for clarification regarding the training that was being provided for volunteer marshals.  Chris Jones responded that volunteer marshals required training in order to maintain a safe passage for the torch through West Berkshire that remained consistent with its journey around the country.  He noted that the training would take two and a half hours and approximately 400 volunteers would be required for the West Berkshire route.

Councillor Brooks thanked Councillor Jackson-Doerge and Chris Jones for the information, and noted that the torch relay was a positive event in West Berkshire.

Resolved that the information be noted.

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