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Agenda item

Hackney Carriage Conditions

Purpose: To inform Members of a request from the Taxi/Private Hire Associations to introduce a condition which requires private hire vehicles to have a mechanical inspection, in line with taxis.


The Committee considered a report (agenda item 4) informing Members of a request from the taxi / private hire associations to introduce a condition requiring private hire vehicles to have a mechanical inspection, in line with taxis.

Brian Leahy drew the Committee’s attention to the fact that this had been an imbalance between taxis and private hire vehicles for many years since private hire vehicles were only subject to mechanical inspections as per private vehicles, whilst taxis were subject to an MOT after the vehicle was a year old.

Brian Leahy outlined that this condition had been put out to consultation with the trade - which had concluded on the 1st June 2012. One response had been received, which had been supportive of the proposal. Brian Leahy also informed the Committee that he had discussed the proposal at a trade liaison meeting (18th May 2012) where there had been a unanimous vote from attendees to put this condition to the Committee for approval.

Brian Leahy said that since the consultation had concluded he felt that on reflection, if a condition was being set for private hire cars to undergo an MOT after the vehicle was a year old, then the same principal should apply to hackney carriages (paragraph 2.3 of the report). He noted that this seemed a sensible approach, bringing the mechanical checks for all vehicles into line.

In relation to this additional item, should Members be minded to accept the item, this would be an ‘in principle’ decision, allowing Brian Leahy to go out to consult with trade. The item could then be brought back to Committee, should there be no overriding objections.

Brian Leahy drew the Committee’s attention to the fact that any condition put on a licence could be appealed through a Magistrate’s Court. He then asked that Members consider this. It was noted that the risk of appeal was low, as no adverse comments had been received as a result of the consultation exercise, but that Members should be aware that there was a possibility that the condition could be appealed at the issue or renewal of licence.

Councillor Tony Linden asked for confirmation that the consultation would only be for the additional element of including hackney carriages within the condition. Brian Leahy confirmed that this would be case, but Officers would wait to implement the two conditions simultaneously.

Councillor Paul Bryant asked whether this condition would incur any increased cost to the trade. Brian Leahy confirmed that there might be a cost incurred through having to bring the MOT forward, but that this was an issue of timing – i.e. the MOT would have to undertaken anyway. He noted that adoption of this condition would assist the Council as it would reduce the administrative burden in sending out reminders on two separate items in relation to the renewal of a licence. It would be helpful to the trade as the two crucial dates in renewing licences would be reduced to one.

Brian Leahy reiterated the point that as this was an appeal-able decision. He would bring this matter back to the Committee after the conclusion of the consultation.

Councillor Tony Linden proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Councillor Adrian Edwards. The Committee voted unanimously in favour of the proposal.

RESOLVED that the motion to introduce a condition requiring private hire vehicles to have a mechanical inspection in line with taxis be carried.

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