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Agenda item

Actions from previous Minutes

To receive an update on actions following the previous Commission meeting.


(18:33 – Councillor Dominic Boeck joined the meeting)

The Commission received an update on actions from the previous meeting.  Comments were received regarding the following items:

2.1 and 2.2: Supplementary information was received from Councillor Roger Croft, Portfolio Holder for Strategy, Council Plan and Housing, responding to discussions about housing and homelessness.

Councillor Rendel expressed his disappointment with the response.  He noted that there had been no intention to infer that employees within the Housing Service were not performing well, but other factors were causing a growing concern regarding homelessness, and that a shortage of accommodation on the district was a growing problem.  Councillor Rendel referred to the debate at the Commission’s meeting in May when it had been resolved that the Portfolio Holder be asked to facilitate a meeting with all involved agencies. Councillor Rendel suggested that solutions might be forthcoming if the issue was able to be discussed in a forum such as this.

The Chairman asked whether the Commission wished a Task Group to be established to review this issue.  Councillor Quentin Webb considered that the formation of a Task Group would be premature in light of the fact that the Portfolio Holder had arranged a meeting with Sovereign Housing to discuss the issue.

(18:40 – Councillor Roger Hunneman joined the meeting)

Councillor Boeck suggested that prior to establishing a Task Group, it would be necessary to fully understand what issues it would be scrutinising.  Councillor Brooks reminded the Commission that it was entitled to scrutinise any issue of concern, and reiterated the need for an opportunity to speak with stakeholders to obtain a full range of views and to explore any potential solutions.  Councillor Dave Goff noted that the Portfolio Holder’s response had not adequately addressed whether he intended to arrange a meeting with involved agencies.

The Chairman suggested that the Portfolio Holder be invited to the next meeting of the Commission along with a representative of Sovereign Housing in order for the Commission to discuss its concerns directly.  The Commission agreed this course of action.

Councillor Rendel commented on the protracted processes employed for the re-use of Taceham House and questioned whether improved foresight could have minimised the delay.  Councillor Rendel requested that the supplementary information be forwarded to the Resource Management Working Group for inclusion in its consideration of the asset management structure.  The Commission agreed.

2.3: Councillor Rendel requested an update regarding the Commission’s resolution to refer the proposed introduction of a 50mph speed limit on the A4 Bath Road at Padworth back to the Portfolio Holder for Highways for reconsideration.


·        The Portfolio Holder for Strategy, Council Plan and Housing be invited to the next meeting of the Commission to discuss housing and homelessness, along with a representative of Sovereign Housing;

·        The Resource Management Working Group to receive the supplementary information in relation to Taceham House for inclusion in their consideration of the asset management structure;

·        The Commission be updated on the progress of reconsidering the decision to introduce a 50mph speed limit on the A4 Bath Road in Padworth.

Supporting documents: