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Agenda item

Taxi Tariff

Purpose: To request Members to address a trade error in the submission for a tariff rate increase for 2012.


The Committee considered a report to request members to address an error in the submission for a tariff increase for 2012. Brian Leahy noted that this was a request from the trade as a result of an error made on their part in the item brought to the Committee in March on 2012/13 taxi tariffs, to do with charges applied to in-journey waiting times when the vehicle was stationary – i.e. in traffic, at lights etc.

He noted that in the initial calculations, the waiting time limit had been put at a level that reduced it rather than retained it at the 2011/12 level. He noted that the trade were not asking for an increase over last year’s tariff, but to consider reinstating last year’s waiting time.

As a result of the presentation of the tariff rates in March, the trade had been given an increase on the flag and mileage rate, but got a reduction in the waiting time. The amendment was therefore to simply reinstate the previous year’s waiting time.

Councillor Laszlo Zverko queried the difference this amendment would make to the average fare.  Brian Leahy said that that question was best answered by the trade.

(In accordance with paragraph 7.12.14 of the Council’s Constitution, the Chairman proposed suspension of standing orders to allow members of the trade to participate in the discussion and respond to questions committee members might have. This was seconded by Councillor Tony Linden and the Committee voted in favour of this proposal).

MrAshley Vass introduced himself as the Treasurer of the West Berkshire Hackney and Private Hire Association. He commented that the increase in the average fare would be dependant on the amount of time spent stationary in any journey, but typically, this would equate to around 20p on a local journey: for a longer journey (i.e. around an hour) then this would typically amount to around £5.

He confirmed that this would be applied to Hackney Carriages only.

Councillor Paul Bryant enquired what the current value was. Mr Vass replied that was £15 and £22 an hour at the respective flags.

Councillor Laszlo Zverko enquired whether this would be an affordable increase for customers. Mr Vass stated that, this rate would not be different to any applied in previous years. He noted that he had received no comments on the relative cost of fares, but confirmed that this amendment would not constitute a significant increase in fares.

Brian Leahy noted again that this was an appeal-able decision. He would have to publish the amendment in the local newspaper as a consultation, which would run for 14 days. He noted that the Committee should be aware of the legal implications as a result. The Council would incur a slight cost (around £100) in terms of having to change the tariff cards and advertise.

(The Chairman reinstated standing orders, seconded by Councillor Linden)

The amendment was proposed by Councillor Linden, seconded by Councillor Bryant. The Committee voted unanimously in favour of the amendment.


RESOLVED that the amendment to the 2012/13 taxi tariff to correct an error in the application of waiting time levies be carried.

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