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Agenda item

Key Accountable Measures and Activities 2012/13: Quarter Two Results

Purpose: To scrutinise quarter two outturn against the key accountable measures and activities.


The Commission considered the Council’s performance report for quarter two 2012/13. Jason Teal introduced the report, stating that a new format had been adopted for 2012/13 in order to provide greater context to the information presented.

Councillor Quentin Webb asked where the information relating to house prices had been sourced from. Jason Teal confirmed that the information had come from the Land Registry.

The Chairman asked why the number of adult learners had dropped by 28%. Jason Teal responded that the figure represented a point in time and was dependent on a number of factors, including the courses available at that time. He continued that over the full year, he expected to report an increase in the number of adult learners.

Councillor Vickers asked whether the 9% increase in the number of children subject to a child protection plan was an indication of the start of an upward trend. Jason Teal replied that he did not believe so as the numbers reported for current and previous periods were consistent at between approximately 80 and 90 children.

Councillor Dominic Boeck acknowledged that the low numbers of people killed or seriously injured on West Berkshire roads was extremely positive, but questioned the value of recording this information when there were other, potentially greater, threats to life in the district. Nick Carter stated that this measure had been agreed as it was an area over which the Council had a direct influence.

Councillor Brooks asked how the Highways Service measured how much of the road network was in need of repair. Jason Teal replied that a survey of the entire road network was undertaken annuallly and this was used to identify areas in need of repair, and calculate the proportion in need of repair for the purposes of monitoring. The Chairman asked that the report from this survey be brought to the Commission when available.

Councillor Brooks requested clarification of the measure of the number of carers receiving a service. June Graves confirmed that carers were identified through the assessment of individuals in receipt of care services from the Council. Individuals were asked about family members who provided care to them. However carers might become known through other methods, for example if they presented themselves to local charity organisations. Councillor Brooks asked how many carers the Council were aware of. June Graves agreed to circulate this information.

(18:45 – Councillor Virginia von Celsing joined the meeting).

Councillor Vickers acknowledged that the increase in the use of Children’s Centres was a positive step, but asked whether work had been undertaken to establish whether the increase represented those people who were in need of the service. Jason Teal advised the Commission that this was an concern that the Service Area was aware of and were currently working to establish who was being reached by the service.

Councillor Franks asked why more historical data had not been provided for the ‘Measures of Volume’ on page 37, as it had been for the ‘State of the District Measures’. Jason Teal responded that the information included in the report was agreed prior to the start of each year. Historical information was available, but had not been requested to be included in reporting for 2012/13.

Councillor Holtby observed that figures for footfall in Hungerford had not increased in line with those for Newbury and Thatcham and asked if any further information could be provided as to why. Jason Teal replied that the Parkway development had been a factor in the increase in footfall in Newbury, but the figures were also dependent on when the count took place which meant that the weather might also be a factor. Jason Teal advised the Commission that a more meaningful indicator of whether footfall had increased would be to compare figures over a number of years.

Councillor Brooks commented that the draft Council Strategy currently under consideration, indicated that visits to West Berkshire libraries and the Council’s website had fallen. Councillor Brooks asked Jason Teal to investigate this.

Councillor Vickers commented on the number of empty homes brought back into use, and expressed his belief that the target of 30 was not sufficiently challenging. Councillor Vickers speculated on the effect that the changes to Council Tax benefit might have on empty home owners’ willingness to release their homes to the rental market. Councillor Vickers suggested that this would be a suitable topic for scrutiny. Councillor Rendel suggested it would be useful to see the net figure of empty homes. Councillor Brooks suggested that good practice be considered from other areas to improve the situation, as he was aware of a mobile application that allowed photographs to be taken of houses that appeared empty, which would be forwarded to the local council for investigation. The Chairman agreed that further information would be provided by the Housing Service.

Councillor Rendel asked why the quarter two performance information was being presented in February when only one month remained in which to instigate challenges to service areas or address concerns. Councillor Vickers suggested investigating how information was made available in other councils.

Councillor Rendel further asked whether there was an intention to reconvene the working group that had been established some time ago to consider target setting for the coming year, commenting that he believed that the Commission had not had an opportunity to provide an input into the process. The Chairman requested that a report be brought to the next meeting setting out how Members could be involved in the target setting process.

Councillor Vickers commented on the amount of litter that appeared on land belonging to the Highways Authority or Network Rail, and also a location on the A339 where fly tipping was an issue. Nick Carter responded that the A339 was the responsibility of the Council and the litter was routinely cleared, but this caused disruption through the necessary closure of the carriageway. The Chairman commented on the excellent work of litter pickers in West Berkshire.


·        The Head of Highways provide the report from the road network survey to the Commission;

·        The Head of Care Commissioning, Housing and Safeguarding provide the number of carers currently known to the Council;

·        Jason Teal to investigate the reported fall in visits to West Berkshire libraries and the Council’s website, and report back to the Commission;

·        The Head of Housing to provide further information in relation to the number of empty homes brought back into use;

·        David Lowe to investigate how other councils make performance information available for scrutiny;

·        Jason Teal to provide a report indicating how Members could be involved in the target setting process.

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