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Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Management Commission Work Programme

Purpose: To receive, agree and prioritise the work programme of the Commission, the Health Scrutiny Panel and the Resource Management Working Group for the remainder of 2011/12.


The Commission considered its work programme for 2013/14.

Councillor Brooks asked for clarification as to how the outstanding items from the Resource Management Working Group and the Health Scrutiny Panel would be managed. The Commission reviewed each item and agreed the following:

Health Scrutiny Panel

·        Continuing Healthcare – This was due to conclude in September, and the Commission would receive the expected update at this time;

·        PCT Quality Handover – This was due to conclude in September, and the Commission would receive the expected update at this time;

·        Adult Social Care (ASC) Eligibility Criteria – This was being undertaken by a Task Group and was due to end later in 2013. The Task Group would conclude this item;

·        Home Care – David Lowe suggested that a Task Group might be an appropriate route for consideration of this item. Councillor Quentin Webb requested that this Task Group follow the ASC Task Group in October.

Resource Management Working Group (RMWG)

·        Energy Saving – This was due to be reviewed in April 2014, and could be added to the Commission’s work programme for this time;

·        Procedures for Blue Badge Holders – This item was due to conclude in May 2013 and it was agreed that a Task Group be formed to finalise the scrutiny;

·        Shaw House – This item was due to conclude in May 2013 and it was agree that a Task Group be formed to finalise the scrutiny;

·        Other items, which were received by the RMWG on a regular basis - it was suggested that these transfer to the Commission’s work programme.

David Lowe advised the Commission that there was sufficient staff resource for two Task Groups to run concurrently. The Commission agreed that a Task Group be established to conclude the work on Shaw House, to run alongside the current ASC Task Group. It was agreed that the following Councillors would form the Task Group: Councillors David Holtby, Marcus Franks, Jeff Brooks and Jeff Beck. Following the conclusion of this work, a subsequent Task Group would be established to consider Procedures for Blue Badge Holders.

Councillor Holtby related that the Portfolio Holder for Culture was taking a holistic review at the use of Shaw House and asked whether this work would be completed prior to the Task Group being set up. The Chairman advised that the Task Group should consider evidence from the Portfolio Holder during its discussions. Councillor Brooks questioned the Council’s policy making process, requesting clarity around the appropriateness of the Portfolio Holder undertaking discussions with Officers and others that might impact on future decisions without the involvement of the Opposition. Nick Carter explained that Portfolio Holders held regular conversations with Officers to understand current and arising issues. These were held informally within the organisation and provided clarity on areas of policy. Where there was an indication of a requirement for a new, or change to existing, policy, this would proceed through formal routes. Councillor Webster suggested that the Task Group invite the Shadow Portfolio Holder to give evidence.

Councillor Webster requested that discussion of the two suggested items for scrutiny (Newbury Parking and the Community Right to Bid) be postponed until Councillor Tony Vickers was present to provide further information on them.

Councillor Beck recounted a discussion at a recent Business Improvement District (BID) meeting where it was agreed that a review of car parking in Newbury would be undertaken, and that Council Officers would contribute to this. Councillor Beck was concerned that the Commission should not convene a Task Group on the same matter whilst this work was ongoing.

Councillor Webb asked when the Fire Service item would be brought to the Commission. David Lowe explained that invitations would be sent following the appointment of a new Chief Fire Officer. Councillor Brooks requested that the item be brought to the next meeting, indicating that the presence of a new Fire Chief should not impact on the information available.

Resolved that:

·        ‘Continuing Healthcare’ be brought to the Commission in September;

·        ‘PCT Quality Handover’ be brought to the Commission in September;

·        A Task Group be established in late 2013 to consider ‘Home Care’;

·        ‘Energy Saving’ be brought to the Commission in April 2014;

·        A Task Group be established in Autumn 2013 to conclude ‘Procedures for Blue Badge Holders’;

·        A Task Group be established to conclude ‘Shaw House’;

·        The items formerly received regularly by the Resource Management Working Group be transferred to the Commission’s work programme;

·        The Commission would postpone consideration of two suggested items for scrutiny until the following meeting;

·        David Lowe to clarify the detail of the proposed scrutiny of Newbury car parking raised at a recent BID meeting;

·        ‘Fire Service’ would be brought to the next meeting of the Commission.

Supporting documents: