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Agenda item

Housing Allocations Policy

Purpose: To consider the draft Housing Allocations Policy.


(Councillor Franks declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 11 due to the fact that he was employed by Sovereign Housing, but reported that, as his interest was personal and not a disclosable pecuniary interest, he determined to remain to take part in the debate and vote on the matter).

The Commission received a report which provided an update on progress in the development of the Council’s Housing Allocations Policy. Mel Brain introduced the report informing the Commission that the detailed policy was undergoing consultation until 21 July 2013, and a final policy was expected by October 2013. All relevant stakeholders had been notified of the consultation and it was also open to anyone to provide feedback, through Consultation Finder and on the Council’s website. Testing of the Housing Needs Assessment was being undertaken to ensure it would remain effective following the changes resulting from the policy. Mel Brain drew the Commission’s attention to the Queen’s Speech during which potential legislative changes were raised which might impact on Housing and stated that should these come about, the policy would require further amendments.

Councillor Macro asked whether there was any doubt that the policy would be effective. Mel Brain responded that there were no concerns at present, and advised that the testing being undertaken was specific to the Housing Needs Assessment.

Councillor Brooks expressed surprise that many of the changes listed had not been included in the original policy. Mel Brain replied that the draft policy intended to clarify what could be expected, making the information more explicit, and advised that some of the changes represented new information in the policy, some provided clarity on information already contained within the policy, and some placed information within the policy which had previously been set out elsewhere.

Following questioning by the Commission, Mel Brain provided the following responses:

·        The policy’s application for students returning to their family home in the holidays was dependent on whether the student had accommodation available to them during this time. Those in private rented accommodation would normally not be required to leave during the holidays and would therefore not be considered under the policy. However, individuals could request a review where they believed an extra bedroom to be necessary and the need would be assessed;

·        Where the care of children was shared between parents, the Housing Needs Assessment would recognise the parent who was responsible for 50% or more of the care of the child. Only one principal home could be recognised for a child;

·        In relation to multiple units of affordable housing being available on new developments, a single advert would be placed for these, and a shortlist would be developed from those who applied. The Housing Association would manage the shortlist and final tenants;

·        This review was significant as the policy had not been reviewed for several years;

·        Applications were assessed on personal circumstance and not, for example, the receipt of Housing Benefit;

·        Points awarded for medical needs were based on legislation which stated that preference (not priority) should be given to those with medical needs. A social needs assessment would contribute to the overall assessment;

·        Where a reasonable offer of accommodation was made, and this was refused, no further offer need be made. The rules in relation to refusing accommodation were explained fully to each applicant;

·        Points were awarded to families with children aged under ten years where no garden space was available. The age had been set in relation to safeguarding, as over the age of ten, a child was considered to be more responsible and able to utilise other open areas close to home;

·        Those facing removal from the housing waiting list (due to their inactivity) received a reminder as well as the initial notification before any action was taken;

·        Applicants with a criminal record could not be excluded from the Housing process because of their record. A local lettings plan was in place.

Resolved that the report be noted.

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