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Agenda item

Revenue and capital budget reports

Purpose: To examine the Quarter 1, 2013/14 financial performance report and comment where appropriate.


The Commission considered a report (Agenda Item 11) concerning the Financial Performance during Quarter One (2013-2014).

The Chairman invited the Commission to comment on the information presented.

Councillor Brooks requested that the Budget Monitoring report contained the previous year’s performance so that current statistics could be contextualised. Andy Walker would amend the monitoring tool for Quarter two reporting.

Councillor Simpson highlighted the variances within the budget and questioned whether the monitoring tool was robust. Andy Walker advised that the accountants consulted budget managers to ensure that profiling was accurate and detailed.

Councillor Simpson also asked whether the percentage of remaining budget to be committed (in Appendix 1b) would be spent. Gabrielle Espin explained that the commitment of funds, in some service areas, was delayed due to the process of allocation.

Councillor Mike Johnson asked whether there were measures in the capital programme to assess project spend against project deliverables. In response Gabrielle Espin advised that it was rare for a project to exceed the funding allowance. It was suggested that the process had controls in place to ensure savings would be made where possible. Andy Walker explained that each project would complete a post implementation review, during which it was possible to scrutinise the budget. Andy Walker agreed to sample each budget of the top 20% of projects to see whether savings were available and then report back to the Commission.

Councillor Macro asked why the Education Programme was significantly revised. Gabrielle Espin advised that when the programme was approved in March 2013, the increased pupil numbers scheme was incomplete. Since then the scheme had been re-profiled which impacted on the five year programme. The Commission heard that the pupil numbers review was still underway.

Councillor Metcalfe asked whether pupil numbers were affected by some schools transferring to academy status. Rachael Wardell advised that funding for school places was provided centrally, irrespective of whether the place was provided via an academy. Rachael Wardell explained that the Council commissioned pupil places in line with the level of demand.

In response to questioning, Nick Carter explained that as a result of a review conducted 18 months ago, it was agreed that the Adventure Dolphin Centre would take a commercial approach to marketing its facilities. The recent decline in use, and thus pressures within the budget, was thought to be the result of the recent poor summer weather during Q1. Nick Carter advised the Commission that the Adventure Dolphin Centre had a business plan would seek to commercialise the facility.

Councillor Brooks stated that members of the Commission were unable to provide their comments in the report because the Commission could not see the Financial Performance report before submission to the Executive. Councillor Bedwell agreed to write a letter raising Councillor Brook’s concern.

Councillor Garth Simpson questioned the justification behind creating the Children’s Services Risk Fund. In response, Andy Walker explained that Children Services’ was a volatile area and the risk fund was created only in the most volatile of areas in order to manage the level of risk. The reserve would be monitored on a monthly basis and altered dependant on the perceived risk.

Councillor Macro questioned why £100,000 of the S106 funds for the A340 rail bridge at Aldermaston was reprofiled. Andy Walker agreed to investigate this matter and report back to the Commission.

Resolved that the report be noted.

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