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Agenda item

Home to School Transport

Purpose: To understand the implications for, impact of and alternatives to the Council's home to school transport policy.


Councillor Allen introduced the item which he had proposed following recent changes to the Home to School Transport policy. Councillor Allen had also requested information relating to the Fare Payer scheme and Safer Walking routes.

Caroline Corcoran (Service Manger, Education) presented information about Home to School Transport and Safer Walking routes and made the following points:

·        The Home to School Transport Policy and Fare Payers scheme were separate policies with the Fare Payers scheme aimed at children who did not qualify for home to school transport;

·        Legally it was the parent’s responsibility to ensure their child got to school and statutory guidance existed from which the Council’s policy had been drawn;

·        It was not a statutory requirement to provide home to school transport for children under 5 years or those in higher education;

·        The new document was intended to simplify the policy and set out clearly when funded transport could be accessed;

·        Safer Walking routes were considered to be safe in the company of a responsible adult and were not intended for children to navigate alone;

·        The Fare Payers scheme had been used to make best use of the space available on buses, however more spaces were being made available for fare payers resulting in the transport costs not being value for money. The review into this scheme therefore sought to redress the balance;

·        Although approximately 70 pupils from Trinity Academy were affected by the changes to the Fare Payer scheme, all lived within the three mile radius set in statute, within which it was considered acceptable for them to walk;

·        Safer Walking routes were assessed if it became apparent that people believed them to be unsafe. The assessment included walking the route with a variety of stakeholders, and consideration being given to practical uses such as pushing a buggy. The views of the Highways Team were also taken into consideration;

·         All routes were currently being assessed to consider any changes to infrastructure, new housing developments, etc;

Councillor Woodhams asked about the suitability of the route from Tull Way as he understood that it was not considered safe but no action had been taken. Caroline Corcoran explained that the route had been assessed in Summer 2013, and that the Road Safety Team considered the route to be safe. Councillor Woodhams asked for a report on this matter.

The Chairman voiced his concern that an assessment appeared to have been delayed, and suggested that Councillor Woodhams ask to join the assessment team on their walk when they next went.

Councillor Webster thanked Caroline Corcoran for the work undertaken, advising that ten years ago she had received numerous letters about home to school transport, but that she had not received one in recent years.

Councillor Jeff Beck said that he had been advised recently by the Highways Team that the term ‘safer walking routes’ was no longer in use. The Chairman requested that Caroline Corcoran provide assurance that the term was fully understood across service areas.

Councillor Allen thanked Caroline Corcoran for the information provided but asked whether there could have been any confusion between the Home to School Transport Policy and Fare Payers scheme when they were consulted on. Caroline Corcoran replied that it was unlikely to have caused any confusion, however the consultation might be approached differently if repeated.

Councillor Metcalfe asked whether the Council was obliged to provide home to school transport for Academy pupils. Caroline Corcoran replied that the authority would be required to provide this if the pupil was eligible under the law.

The Chairman thanked Caroline Corcoran for the information provided.


·        Caroline Corcoran would provide a report on the assessment of the Tull Way safer walking route to Councillor Woodhams.

·        Caroline Corcoran would provide assurance that the term ‘safer walking routes’ was fully understood across service areas.

Supporting documents: