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Agenda item

Greater Greenham Project

Purpose: To receive a briefing on the work of the Greater Greenham Project. 


The Committee considered a briefing on the work of the Greater Greenham Project (Agenda Item 4).

David Lowe, attending on behalf of Councillor Marcus Franks, made the following points as part of his presentation on the work of the Greater Greenham Project:

·                    This was a positive example of the work undertaken under the leadership of the West Berkshire Partnership (WBP).

·                    The WBP was seeking ways to enhance community engagement and empowerment, and to make a sustainable difference at a local level. 

·                    Greater Greenham (defined as the Nightingales and Pigeons Farm Estates) had been selected as the first locality project based on indices of multiple deprivation and the child well-being index.  This showed that Greater Greenham was by far the most deprived overall area in West Berkshire and was also low when considered at a national level.

·                    The aims and objectives of the project were to promote financial inclusion, improve the community’s environment, build a safer and stronger community, and improve the reputation of the locality.

·                    A baseline figure and appropriate targets were to be set for priority outcomes which included increased resident participation and pride in the neighbourhood, increased income and skills, and a reduction in crime and anti social behaviour (ASB). 

·                    The project was run by a steering group which reported to a partnership group, which in turn reported to the WBP.  The membership of the steering group included local residents and this was hoped to be widened. 

·                    Achievements of the project included:

·              An increase in communication with residents via the Greenham Grapevine newsletter.

·              The establishment of a youth club with approximately 140 members.  This was successfully run by a voluntary sector organisation based in Basingstoke.  June Graves advised that this was based on the success of a project in Bishops Green which had been running for a small number of years.

·              The identification of 40 community volunteers.

·              Increased availability of the MUGA (multi use games area).

·              A successful skip day held in October 2009 which was an exercise to clear bulky waste from gardens etc.  The importance of the community being able to sustain this type of activity themselves was noted.

·                    Many of these activities had been achieved at a minimal cost.  Funding was available but this was finite.  There was however no time limit to the project itself and it was intended to run for as long as was deemed necessary. 

·                    A positive outcome for the community had been a 30% decrease in ASB, as reported by Thames Valley Police. 

·                    Many future activities had been organised as a result of the hard work of volunteers.

Members queried the involvement from the primary school, The Willows, as this was felt to be a key element.  David Lowe advised that a new Head Teacher had recently been appointed, she was eager to be involved and for the activities of the school to be integrated with the project. 

Councillor Ieuan Tuck described a project he was aware of in London which provided a drop in facility for parents and carers of young children.  He queried whether this was something that could be looked at for Greater Greenham.  David Lowe agreed to take back this idea. 

RESOLVED that the briefing would be noted.

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