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Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Management Commission Work Programme

To receive new items and agree and prioritise the work programme of the Commission for 2014/2015.


The Commission considered its work programme for 2014/15.

The Chairman advised the Commission that a new Task Group could now be formed as the Shaw House review had concluded. It was suggested that item OSMC/14/151 – Children’s Services governance arrangements should be considered. The Commission agreed.

Councillor Quentin Webb reported that the review into Homelessness amongst young families had met to discuss initial findings, and that a final report was expected to be submitted into the next but one executive cycle.

Delayed Transfers of Care

Councillor Hunneman requested that ‘delayed transfers of care’ (DTOC) be added to the Commission’s work programme. Councillor Hunneman expressed concern that DTOC, often referred to as ‘bed blocking’ was caused by delays in arranging suitable post-hospital care, and that national statistics placed West Berkshire very low in comparison tables. Councillor Hunneman asserted that it was necessary to identify issues and correct them, as delays could have a negative impact on the patient. There had been a suggestion from Officers that the published figures were not accurate, and this could also be considered during a scrutiny review. Councillor Hunneman believed that this review would be complex and would require a Task Group to be established.

Rachael Wardell clarified that whilst the published figures were not entirely accurate, it was acknowledged that correcting this would not resolve the issue, and stressed that Officers would not claim this to be the case.

Councillor Webster reminded the Commission that the Healthier Select Committee had reviewed this issue in 2011, and suggested that the recommendations from the previous review be examined during scrutiny.

The Commission agreed to add this item to the work programme.

Affordable Housing Process

Councillor Tony Vickers requested that the process for obtaining and delivering affordable housing within new developments, using Parkway as a case study, be added to the Commission’s work programme.

Following discussion at, and also after, the previous meeting of the Commission, Councillor Vickers had reviewed the scope of his suggestion and amended it to request consideration of the process by which affordable housing is agreed and delivered, rather than scrutiny of planning policy. Councillor Vickers wished the Parkway development to be used as an example as the money invested by the Council in the development had shown no return benefit to the local population. Councillor Vickers added that it would be necessary to review how CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) related to this process.

Councillor Webster agreed that the process for delivering affordable housing would be a suitable topic for scrutiny, but did not wish it to include a review of how the Parkway development was handled. Councillor Webster believed that the review should focus on improvement for the future rather than unpicking past actions.

The Chairman clarified that it was not intended that the Parkway development would be discussed, and that the focus would be on the system and how it was operating to the benefit of West Berkshire residents.

Councillor Jeff Brooks explained that by reviewing some details of the Parkway development lessons could be learnt for the future.

Councillor Hunneman told the Commission that there were one or two sizeable developments expected in his ward, and it would therefore be beneficial if this scrutiny could be undertaken soon.

The Commission agreed to add this item to the work plan.

Acknowledging the limited resources available to support scrutiny work, the Commission discussed the order of business for this item and Children’s Services governance arrangements. Rachael Wardell commented that the review of Children’s Services would provide evidence for the next Ofsted inspection. This was timetabled for two weeks time, and although the review would not be completed before this, it would be helpful for it to conclude as soon as possible. Rachael Wardell believed that the review would lend itself to a Task Group as it would require information to be gathered from a number of partner organisations.

The Commission agreed that the review of Children’s Services would be undertaken by a Task Group, and the review of affordable housing processes would take place at the next full meeting.

Resolved that:

·        A Task Group be established to review Children’s Services governance arrangements;

·        Delayed Transfers of Care be added to the Commission’s work programme;

·        Affordable Housing process be added to the Commission’s work programme for consideration at the next full meeting.

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